React client for the NLP Sandbox PHI Deidentifier API
Create the configuration file.
cp .env.example .env
The command below starts the PHI de-identifier locally.
docker-compose up
You can stop the stack with Ctrl+C
. Add the option -d
to the above command
to run the stack in detached mode. To stop a stack in detached mode, run
docker-compose down
from this project folder.
The app should now be available on http://localhost.
The models and API hooks for the client are based on the phi-deidentifier OpenAPI schema using openapi-generator-cli. To re-generate or update these models/hooks, first download the latest version of the API specification, then run the generator script:
$ curl -O
$ npx openapi-generator-cli generate -g typescript-fetch -i openapi.yaml -o client/src --additional-properties=typescriptThreePlus=true
The client can be run locally by navigating to the client/
directory and running npm start
. The client depends on
the de-identifier server being run in the background. Assuming that Node and Docker are installed, the following
commands can start up the full stack (back end & front end) for development/testing purposes using the following commands:
$ docker compose up --build
(you may have to run this command as root or prepend the command with sudo
Then, in another shell, run the following:
$ cd client/
$ npm ci
$ SERVER_PORT=80 npm start
The development front end can be accessed at http://localhost:3000
. The API calls currently require the browser to be
running with CORS enforcement disabled. This can be done with Google Chrome by, for example, running the following
$ google-chrome --disable-web-security --user-data-dir=~/TEMP/