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NeuroNER NLP Sandbox PHI Annotator

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Introduction is an open platform for benchmarking modular natural language processing (NLP) tools on both public and private datasets. Academics, students, and industry professionals are invited to browse the available tasks and participate by developing and submitting an NLP Sandbox tool.

This repository packages NeuroNER as an NLP Sandbox PHI annotator. The performance of this tool can be viewed and compared to the performance of other PHI annotators on

Annotations supported by NeuroNER:

Annotation Schema Supported
Contact TextContactAnnotation Yes
Date TextDateAnnotation Yes
ID TextIdAnnotation Yes
Location TextLocationAnnotation Yes
Person Name TextPersonNameAnnotation No

Table of contents




Running with Docker

The command below starts this NLP Sandbox PHI annotator locally.

docker compose up --build

You can stop the container run with Ctrl+C, followed by docker compose down.

Running with Python

Create a Conda environment.

conda create --name phi-annotator-neuroner python=3.7 -y
conda activate phi-annotator-neuroner

Note: NeuroNER only support up to Python 3.7.

Download the word embeddings file (too large to be tracked on GitHub).

curl -O
unzip -d server/data/word_vectors/

Install and start this NLP Sandbox tool.

cd server && pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m openapi_server

Accessing the user interface

This NLP Sandbox tool provides a web interface that you can use to annotate clinical notes. This web client has been automatically generated by openapi-generator. To access the UI, open a new tab in your browser and navigate to one of the following address depending on whether you are running the tool using Docker (production) or Python (development).


Please refer to the section Development of the NLP Sandbox PHI Annotator example for information on how to develop an NLP Sandbox PHI annotator in Python-Flask and other programming languages-frameworks.


GitHub release tags

This repository uses semantic versioning to track the releases of this tool. This repository uses "non-moving" GitHub tags, that is, a tag will always point to the same git commit once it has been created.

Docker image tags

The artifact published by the CI/CD workflow of this GitHub repository is a Docker image pushed to the Synapse Docker Registry. This table lists the image tags pushed to the registry.

Tag name Moving Description
latest Yes Latest stable release.
edge Yes Latest commit made to the default branch.
edge-<sha> No Same as above with the reference to the git commit.
<major>.<minor>.<patch> No Stable release.

You should avoid using a moving tag like latest when deploying containers in production, because this makes it hard to track which version of the image is running and hard to roll back.

Benchmarking on

Visit for instructions on how to submit your NLP Sandbox tool and evaluate its performance.



Thinking about contributing to this project? Get started by reading our contribution guide.


Apache License 2.0