`npm install -g knex`
`brew install postgres`
`brew install postgis`
`sudo apt-get install postgresql`
`sudo apt-get install postgis`
`sudo -u postgres psql`
`CREATE USER [your linux username] SUPERUSER;`
`sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';"`
add "user: 'postgres', password: 'postgres'" to the connection objects in knexfile.js
Create database and open CLI:
`createdb reactivity`
`psql reactivity`
Install POSTGIS extension on DB from CLI (command line prompt should read 'reactivity=#'):
Troubleshoot postgres installation/startup -> `brew info postgres`
After running migration script (npm run dev, npm run backend, or npm start) at least once, seed dev data with: `knex seed:run`
npm install
npm start
to compile and serve via express
for development with a webpack dev server, run
npm run dev