A powerful and flexible React context library for managing asynchronous operations with TypeScript support. This library provides a clean, centralized way to handle async operations in your React applications with built-in concurrency control, type safety, and optimal performance.
- 🚀 TypeScript-first: Full type safety and IntelliSense support
- 🎯 Concurrent Operation Control: Limit parallel operations to prevent resource overload
- 🔄 Automatic State Management: Track loading, error, and success states
- 🧹 Memory Management: Built-in cleanup utilities to prevent memory leaks
- ⚡ Performance Optimized: Minimizes re-renders and optimizes state updates
- 🎣 Dual Hooks API: Choose between managed operations or direct control
- 🛡️ Error Boundary Compatible: Properly handles and propagates errors
- 🔍 Operation Tracking: Monitor and control multiple operations simultaneously
- 🎭 Flexible State Access: Direct access to operation states across components
- 🧪 Enhanced Testing Support: Improved testability with operation lifecycle controls
npm install task-link
# or
yarn add task-link
# or
pnpm add task-link
import { AsyncProvider } from "task-link";
function App() {
return (
<AsyncProvider maxConcurrent={5}>
<YourApp />
import { useAsyncOperation } from "task-link";
function UserProfile({ userId }: { userId: string }) {
const { execute, data, error, isLoading } = useAsyncOperation(
async () => {
const response = await fetch(`/api/users/${userId}`);
return response.json();
useEffect(() => {
}, [userId]);
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
if (data) return <div>Welcome, {data.name}!</div>;
return null;
import { useAsync } from "task-link";
function DataManager() {
const { assign, trigger, get, remove, clear } = useAsync();
// Assign operations
useEffect(() => {
assign("fetch-users", async () => {
const response = await fetch("/api/users");
return response.json();
assign("fetch-posts", async () => {
const response = await fetch("/api/posts");
return response.json();
return () => {
}, [assign, remove]);
// Get operation states
const usersResult = get<User[]>("fetch-users");
const postsResult = get<Post[]>("fetch-posts");
// Trigger multiple operations
const handleFetchAll = async () => {
await Promise.all([
return (
<button onClick={handleFetchAll}>Fetch All Data</button>
<button onClick={clear}>Clear All Results</button>
{usersResult.isLoading && <div>Loading users...</div>}
{postsResult.isLoading && <div>Loading posts...</div>}
{usersResult.data && <UsersList users={usersResult.data} />}
{postsResult.data && <PostsList posts={postsResult.data} />}
interface AsyncProviderProps {
children: ReactNode;
maxConcurrent?: number; // Default: 5
function useAsyncOperation<T>(
key: string,
asyncFunc?: () => Promise<T>
): {
execute: () => Promise<void>;
cleanup: () => void;
data: T | null;
error: Error | null;
isLoading: boolean;
function useAsync(): {
assign: <T>(key: string, func: () => Promise<T>) => void;
trigger: <T>(key: string) => Promise<void>;
get: <T>(key: string) => AsyncResult<T>;
remove: (key: string) => void;
clear: () => void;
function HybridComponent() {
// Managed operation for primary functionality
const { execute: fetchUser, data: userData } = useAsyncOperation(
async () => {
const response = await fetch("/api/user");
return response.json();
// Direct control for additional operations
const { assign, trigger, get } = useAsync();
useEffect(() => {
assign("analytics", async () => {
await fetch("/api/analytics", { method: "POST" });
}, [assign]);
const handleUserAction = async () => {
await fetchUser();
await trigger("analytics");
return <button onClick={handleUserAction}>Perform Action</button>;
function StateManager() {
const { assign, get, clear } = useAsync();
// Get states across components
const userState = get<User>("user-operation");
const postState = get<Post>("post-operation");
// Clear all operation results
const handleReset = () => {
return (
<OperationStatus state={userState} />
<OperationStatus state={postState} />
<button onClick={handleReset}>Reset All</button>
// Use constants for operation keys
FETCH_USER: (id: string) => `fetch-user-${id}`,
FETCH_POSTS: (userId: string) => `fetch-posts-${userId}`,
} as const;
// Use in components
const { execute } = useAsyncOperation(OPERATION_KEYS.FETCH_USER(userId));
interface User {
id: string;
name: string;
// With useAsyncOperation
const { data } = useAsyncOperation<User>("fetch-user", fetchUser);
// With useAsync
const { get } = useAsync();
const result = get<User>("fetch-user");
function Component() {
const { assign, remove } = useAsync();
useEffect(() => {
const operations = [
async () => {
/* ... */
async () => {
/* ... */
] as const;
operations.forEach(([key, func]) => assign(key, func));
return () => {
operations.forEach(([key]) => remove(key));
}, [assign, remove]);
For more details, see our full documentation.
MIT © Nipuna Nishan