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Python scripts for Nessus, Nexpose & Qualys API's. Below listed are the implemented API calls.


  • Add User


  • Add Site
  • Add User


  • Add asset
  • Add asset group
  • Add user
  • Quick scan

All the add user, add asset & add asset group functions(User access request functions) can be invoked by providing the user details and asset detail in access_request.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <name>First Name</name>
         <name>First2 Name2</name>
   <site name='site name' desc='site description'></site>

Scanner appliance information must be provided in scanner_details.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <nessus enabled='(1,0)'>
      <nexpose enabled='(1,0)'>
      <qualys enabled='(1,0)'>

For scanning a host, information must be provided in host_details.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


pip install requests defusedxml

Project Structure

| -- The wrapper that calls all other files. Run this to execute tasks
| -- Nessus tasks
| -- Nexpose tasks
| -- Qualys tasks
| -- Miscellaneous utility
|-access_request.xml -- Access request with user details and Asset details
|-scanner_details.xml -- All the scanner URL and unames
|-host_details.xml -- Host details for a scan

About Qualys scan (Expected behaviour)

  • Non admin account user will not be able to add IPs or Authentication record
  • Default template used for scans is Authenticated Scan v.2 - (6). You can change this default template in host_details.xml file
  • Default template used for generating report is Full Scan Technical Report. You can change this default template in host_details.xml file
  • The code will check the status of the scan every five minutes. No activity will be seen on the screen during this time.
  • The report will be downloaded in the directory where the python script is placed.
  • Please note: Do not exit the python program before report gets downloaded.

Run Vulscapi

Make user you have relevent xml flies(scanner_details.xml, access_request.xml, host_details.xml) in your current directory, these files are from which vulscapi get the scanner details and user access info(if required)

python {action}

Where action is either adduser or scan as per current implementation

Adding a new task

Add a new positional parameter like adduser in file and add appropriate implementations, so that those can be invoked when vulscapi is run along with new parameter. e.g python vulscapi newpara

Contributing to this repo To fix a bug or enhance an existing module or add new feature, follow these steps:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a new branch (git checkout -b new_task)
  • Make the appropriate changes in the required file or add new file
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'new_task details')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin new_task)
  • Create a Pull Request

Bug / Feature Request

If you find a bug , kindly open an issue here by including error/exception message, the expected result, steps to reproduce.

If you'd like to request a new functionality, feel free to do so by opening an issue here with description of the functionality.


Python scripts for Nessus, Nexpose & Qualys API's






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