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Modern Cloze Overlapper for Anki

This is a rewrite of anki-simple-cloze-overlapper in modern JS. For an overview of features, please take a look at a usage example in that repository.

In addition to anki-simple-cloze-overlapper features, support was added for:

  • Nested clozes.
  • Clozes in MathJax.
  • Cloze Generator.
  • Scroll to cloze.

The code was tested on all Anki platforms: Desktop, AnkiDroid, AnkiWeb and AnkiMobile.

AnkiDroid requires the latest Android System WebView to be installed.

How to Use

  1. Place _cloze-overlapper-loader.js and _cloze-overlapper.js into Anki's folder.

  2. Create a new note type by cloning the built-in Cloze.

  3. Add a rendering configuration field named Before|After|OnlyContext|RevealAll|InactiveHints.

  4. Put the content of front.template.anki into note's Front Template.

  5. Put the content of back.template.anki into note's Back Template.

  6. (Optional AnkiDroid compatibility) Add

    .android .card:not(.mathjax-rendered) {
        visibility: hidden;

    to note's Styling to hide everything until onUpdateHook is executed. See AnkiDroid's Advanced formatting for details.

Rendering Configuration

Template's field Before|After|OnlyContext|RevealAll|InactiveHints controls the rendering of clozes. Individual parameters are separated by either spaces, commas, pipes or dots. Omitted rightmost parameters all take default values.

The parameters are as follows:

Before (non-negative integer, defaults to 1)
The number of clozes before the currently active ones to uncover.
After (non-negative integer, defaults to 0)
The number of clozes after the currently active ones to uncover.
OnlyContext (Boolean true or false, defaults to false)
Show clozes only within the context (before + current + after). Set to true for e.g. long lyrics/poems.
RevealAll (Boolean true or false, defaults to false)
Reveal all clozes on the back of the card. By default, only currently active clozes are revealed. (Context clozes are revealed even on cards' fronts.)
InactiveHints (Boolean true or false, defaults to false)
Use user-provided hints (i.e. {{c#::...::user provided hint}}) for all clozes. By default, only the currently active clozes use provided hints, others use [...].

Context takes nesting of clozes into account: only clozes at the same level of nesting or above can be considered before of after the current one. In the following example:

{{c1::outer 1 {{c2::inner {{c3::deep 1}} {{c4::deep 2}} }} }} {{c5::outer 2}}
  • c1, c2 and c3 have no clozes before,
  • c5 has no clozes after,
  • c3 is before c4, and similarly, c4 is after c3,
  • c5 is after c1, c2 and c4, but only c1 is before c5.

Recall All Clozes Card

If you need an extra card that asks you for all the clozes at once, add another cloze with ask-all in its content, e.g. {{c99::ask-all}}.

Styling of Clozes inside MathJax

CSS .cloze class doesn't apply inside MathJax. The styling of MathJax clozes is relegated to TeX macros: \AnkiClozeQ on the front of the card, and \AnkiClozeA on the back of the card.

By default, \AnkiClozeA is identical to \AnkiClozeQ. The style of \AnkiClozeQ is taken from the .cloze class:

  • cloze { color: ... } is converted to RGB, and \color[RGB]{RRR, GGG, BBB} is added to \AnkiClozeQ.
  • If cloze { font-style: ... } is either oblique or italic, \AnkiClozeQ will have \mathit.
  • If cloze { font-weight: ... } is bold or greater or equal to 700, \AnkiClozeQ will have \boldsymbol.

You can always uncomment the following block in both front.template.anki and back.template.anki, and redefine \AnkiClozeA and \AnkiClozeA as you see fit.

  Uncomment and adjust if MathJax style autodetection doesn't work for you.
    \renewcommand\AnkiClozeQ[1]{\boldsymbol{\color{blue} #1}}

Reloading _cloze-overlapper.js

JavaScript modules are not reloaded from disk automatically. In order to reload _cloze-overlapper.js, open DevTools on the Network tab, check “Disable cache”, and press Ctrl + Shift + R. It empties the card's page completely, but after navigating to the next/previous card and back the module is reloaded.

Why JavaScript module?

Considering that

  1. a non-trivial amount of non-module code is required to load _cloze-overlapper.js;
  2. reloading problems that a modularised solution ensues;

one may ask a question why bother with a JS module in the first place? The answer is: rewriting _cloze-overlapper.js as a non-module introduces a lot of flickering when flipping a cloze card from its front to its back. JS module doesn't have such a problem (or may be it's just less noticeable). Probably it has something to do with the fact that modules are loaded and parsed only once and not on every render.


Modern Cloze Overlapper for Anki








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