An interactive dashboard for visualizing Airbnb's pricing and popularity trends across various neighborhoods in New York City. Built with Tableau.
- Top Popular Hosts: Highlights the hosts with the highest bookings/reviews.
- Average Price Visualization: Geographical map indicating average prices of specific room types by neighborhood.
- Bookings Overview: Time-series data showing bookings per month per neighborhood.
- Price Insights: Bar graphs representing average prices across neighborhoods.
- Heatmaps: Visualizing neighborhood popularity and room type price variations.
- Listing Distribution: Pie chart showing listing distribution by neighborhood.
- Tableau Desktop or Tableau Public
- Source Data from Airbnb (preferably in CSV or Excel format), you can download the data from the repo, but you need to cite it properly.
1, Clone this repository:
2, Open the .twbx file in Tableau Desktop or Tableau Public.
3, If prompted, relink the data source to the appropriate Airbnb data file included in the repository.
4, Start interacting with the dashboard!
Sheng Yun
- Github: @nickShengY
- Email: [email protected]/[email protected]