- We gather a dataset of various genre music.
- Calculate various metrics for each and save them to a database.
- By using the same metrics and some cost functions we find most comparable music tracks
- Create venv
python -m venv venv
- Activate venv
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To start the database localy you need docker running and then use
docker compose up -d
- Once the database is up initialize the schema with
docker cp ./dumps/schema.sql music-db:/schema.sql
docker exec music-db bash -c "psql -U root music < schema.sql"
- Fill the databases
python ./utils/init_db.py
- The script asks for a relative path to the track to classify and an integer for the number nearest tracks to find.
- These values can also be manually set by changing the variables in the find_nearest.py file.
- You can also set the desired label of the input track, in that case it will also pring the precission of each function used.
python find_nearest.py
The output will be in the out
and the precision will be logged.
To add another cost function just add the implementation as a py file in the ./distance_calc/functions.py file and then add it to the enum and dictionary in the ./distance_calc/distance_funcs.py file.
Music tracks to be used for filling up the database must be placed in the ./dataset directory in the appropriate directory based on its genre.
This must be done before running ./utils/init_db.py and if we need another genre, it needs to be added in the labels list in init_db.
The tracks used for testing were found here
To change the attributes used for distance calculation, change the `fetchable_attributes` in the `./utils/fetch_entries.py`