ZyLO is the official plugin SDK for zLog v2.8 or later. zLog is powerful and extensible logging software for amateur radio contests, and users can easily install plugins via plugin manager dialog.
First, prepare the package management system (brew
, choco
, and apt
) and install Go.
$ brew install go
$ choco install golang
$ sudo apt install -y golang-go
Then, run the following commands to set up the SDK.
$ go install github.com/nextzlog/zylo/zbuild@HEAD
$ zbuild setup
Create a directory and the source file shown below in it in the same way as creating a Go package.
package main
import "zylo/reiwa"
func init() {
// when plugin loaded
reiwa.OnLaunchEvent = onLaunchEvent
reiwa.OnFinishEvent = onFinishEvent
reiwa.OnAttachEvent = onAttachEvent
reiwa.OnAssignEvent = onAssignEvent
reiwa.OnDetachEvent = onDetachEvent
reiwa.OnInsertEvent = onInsertEvent
reiwa.OnDeleteEvent = onDeleteEvent
reiwa.OnVerifyEvent = onVerifyEvent
reiwa.OnPointsEvent = onPointsEvent
func onLaunchEvent() {
// when zLog launched
func onFinishEvent() {
// when zLog finished
func onAttachEvent(contest, configs string) {
// when contest attached
func onAssignEvent(contest, configs string) {
// if CFG calls this DLL
func onDetachEvent(contest, configs string) {
// when contest detached
func onInsertEvent(qso *reiwa.QSO) {
// when insert this QSO
func onDeleteEvent(qso *reiwa.QSO) {
// when delete this QSO
func onVerifyEvent(qso *reiwa.QSO) {
// score and multiplier
func onPointsEvent(score, mults int) int {
return score * mults
Run zbuild
inside the directory to build a plugin DLL with the same name as the directory.
$ zbuild build
$ zbuild build --version
To test the plugin, put the relative path to the DLL into zlog.ini
as follows and launch zLog.
First, create a TOML file and include the download URL and md5 checksum in the dll
You can include the checksum directly or include the URL of the md5 file.
# dll.<name>
url = "https://example.com/releases/sample.dll"
sum = "https://example.com/releases/sample.dll.md5"
You can also publish other files along with the DLL, such as CFG and DAT files.
# cfg.<name>
url = "https://example.com/releases/sample.cfg"
# dat.<name>
url = "https://example.com/releases/sample.dat"
Finally, write the plugin meta information, which will be displayed in the plugin manager.
# pkg.<name>
tag = "title"
msg = "description"
web = "https://example.com/sample/index.html"
doc = "https://example.com/sample/details.md"
use = ["cfg.sample", "dat.sample", "dll.sample"] # dependency
exp = "unstable" # or "stable"
Publish the TOML file to a Git repository, and make an issue at nextzlog/todo to request crawling.
The following workflow automates plugin releases.
name: 'build'
- 'main'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: nextzlog/zylo@master
token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
directory: /path/to/golang/files
To delegate score calculation for user-defined contests to a plugin, add the following commands to the end of the CFG file.
dll sample.dll # basename
The following functions are called only for DLLs specified in the CFG file.
invoked only once at the start of the scoring delegation.OnVerifyEvent
determines the score and multiplier of the communication.OnPointsEvent
determines the total score of the contest communications.
Plugins can monitor button and menu clicks and keyboard input in zLog application.
package main
import "zylo/reiwa"
func init() {
reiwa.OnLaunchEvent = onLaunchEvent
func onLaunchEvent() {
reiwa.HandleButton("MainForm.CWPlayButton", onButton)
reiwa.HandleEditor("MainForm.CallsignEdit", onEditor)
func onButton(num int) {
reiwa.DisplayToast("CWPlayButton was clicked")
func onEditor(key int) {
reiwa.DisplayToast(reiwa.Query("QSO with $B"))
Plugins can obtain the window handle of a zLog component with the GetUI
Plugins can also use Go binding of Windows API to add their own components and handle events.
package main
import (
func init() {
reiwa.OnLaunchEvent = onLaunchEvent
reiwa.OnWindowEvent = onWindowEvent
func onLaunchEvent() {
h := w32.HMENU(reiwa.GetUI("MainForm.MainMenu"))
w32.AppendMenu(h, w32.MF_STRING, 810, "My Menu")
func onWindowEvent(msg uintptr) {
m := (*w32.MSG)(unsafe.Pointer(msg))
fmt.Printf("Window Message %v\n", m)
Plugins can get and set properties and execute methods of zLog components in the form of Delphi expressions.
package main
import "zylo/reiwa"
func init() {
reiwa.OnLaunchEvent = onLaunchEvent
func onLaunchEvent() {
reiwa.RunDelphi(`PluginMenu.Add(op.Put(MainMenu.CreateMenuItem(), "Name", "MyMenu"))`)
reiwa.RunDelphi(`op.Put(MainMenu.FindComponent("MyMenu"), "Caption", "Special Menu")`)
The following built-in functions are available.
op.Int(number) // converts real value to int value and returns it
op.Put(obj, key, value) // sets properties and returns the object
Plugins can retrieve the variables of the CW keyboard in zLog.
The following variables are also available.
fmt.Println(reiwa.Query("{V}")) // version number
fmt.Println(reiwa.Query("{F}")) // ZLO(ZLOX) file
fmt.Println(reiwa.Query("{C}")) // your call sign
fmt.Println(reiwa.Query("{B}")) // operating band
fmt.Println(reiwa.Query("{M}")) // operating mode
Feel free to make issues at nextzlog/todo. Follow @nextzlog on Twitter.