Proxy webhook requests from Unfuddle repositories to Slack.
Based on the slackunfuddle Sinatra app.
Unfuddle can post to a webhook and Slack can accept incoming webhooks.
However, Unfuddle posts XML in this format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<author-id type="integer"> </author-id>
<created-at type="datetime"> </created-at>
<id type="integer"> </id>
<message> </message>
<repository-id type="integer"> </repository-id>
<revision> </revision>
And Slack expects JSON in this format:
curl -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"text": "This is posted to <#general> and comes from *monkey-bot*.", "channel": "#general", "username": "monkey-bot", "icon_emoji": ":monkey_face:"}'
We need a simple web application to convert the Unfuddle XML to the JSON format expected by Slack.