- "My Business card is a card scaning and manangement E-Card wallet"
- A Web-based application developed in Angular 6 framework
- Developed by Harry Chen in CSC436 DePaul University as his final project
- Idea is provided by the courses Instructor Chandler Gegg
- User Information are save in google firebase
- App are only used for academic learning NOT FOR COMERCIAL BUSINESS
- App are already deployed at google cloud. Please go to Business-Card to review!
- User authentification: function provided by google firebase auth tool
- User profile and activity log: saved in google firebase database
- App routing between over 10 more componenets
- Dynamic Injection was used during development
- All SCSS features are self developed although view are not responsive yet for mobile
git clone https://github.com/newlifehaonan/BusinessCard.git
- Go to
and add your own firebase key and google api key, format is as follow
// Please do not modify the variable name, otherwise you will manualy change
// the variable name in each componenets or services that used it.
export const config = {
apiKey: 'Your Key',
authDomain: '',
databaseURL: '',
projectId: '',
storageBucket: '',
messagingSenderId: ''
export const googleApi = {
key : 'Your Google Api key'
Npm install
all dependency -
Ng serve
If you have any question about how to lunch the app locally, please contact HCHEN@[email protected]