Utility components
pod 'Alidade', '~> 5.0.0'
All available features are avaiable in separated subspecs:
Basic extenstion for basic swift types, like: CGRect
, CGPoint
, Sequence
, UIColor
etc. For example very usefull safe index access:
guard let model = models[safe: index] else { return }
Some useful basic geometry concepts such as Ray
, Line
or Segment
Added SIMD vectors type conformance to some CoreGraphics and UI structs: CGPoint, CGRect, UIEdgeInsets, etc. Also Useful operators set for manipulating basic UIKit/CoreGraphics types as multi-dimensional vectors. For example CGRect and UIEdgeInsets both are 4d vectors. It lets client do the following:
let rect: CGRect
let insets: UIEdgeInsets
let rectWithInsets = rect + insets
let bounds = CGRect([0, 0, 640, 1136])
let size = CGSize([120, 60])
let origin = bounds.midpoint - (size * 0.5).pointValue
let frame = CGRect(origin: origin, size: size)
To calculate and cache String
and NSAttributedString
text size. Also, the ability to convert and cache HTML to NSAttributedString
using NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html
Cool utils for UIView, such as
func addSubviews(_ subviews: [UIView])
func addSubviews(_ subviews: UIView...)
Custom views: GradientView
, PathView
Accessor for setting shadow:
view.shadow = .init(color: shadowColor, blur: 10.0, opacity: 0.5, offset: .zero, path: nil)
Sketch/Zeplin shadow also:
view.shadow = .sketch(color: shadowColor, alpha: 0.5, bounds: shadowBounds, x: 0.0, y: 10.0, blur: 10.0, spread: 0.0)
Most useful is UIScalable
protocol to let you work in the same proportions with the provided design.
You need to setup smallets size from design as base value:
UI.setBaseWidths([.pad: 768, .phone: 375])
Then you can access adjusted value using .ui
let width: CGFloat = 180.ui
Also, if you have separated modules or design, provided for you, have different screen sizes across the design.
You can use Intent
associated with your module:
UI.setBaseWidths([.pad: 768, .phone: 320], for: Module.intent)
// then you can access
let width: CGFloat = 180.uiValue(for: Module.intent)
Box container for mutability properties in immutable containers: N.B.! makes runtime increase retain count for Boxed object every time when struct with Boxed object passed via param into function
struct SomeData {
let a = 1
var b = 2.0
let c = Boxed(false)
let immutable = SomeData()
immutable.a = 2 // is forbidden
var mutable = SomeData()
mutable.b = 2.0 // is valid for mutable instances
// is valid for both cases
immutable.c.value = false
mutable.c.value = true
Makes using ObjC runtime association easier:
private enum SomeClassYouWantToExtendViaObjcAssociationConst {
static var propertyName = 0
extension SomeClassYouWantToExtendViaObjcAssociation {
var readwriteValue: PropertyType? {
get { return associated.value(for: &SomeClassYouWantToExtendViaObjcAssociationConst.propertyName) }
set { associated.set(newValue, for: &SomeClassYouWantToExtendViaObjcAssociationConst.propertyName) }
Amazing and useful extensions for the creation and simultaneous object setup in-place. For example:
let label = UILabel {
$0.text = "Text"
$0.numberOfLines = 2
Tools for creation and cache different types of formatters. For Dates, DateInterval, Length, PersonNameComponents etc.
let date = Date()
let locale = Locale.current
let template = "EEEEEEE, d MMM"
let dateFormat = DateFormatter.dateFormat(fromTemplate: template, options: 0, locale: locale) ?? template
let dateString = DateFormatter.cached(format: dateFormat, locale: locale)
.string(from: date)