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Neonage edited this page Apr 21, 2021 · 5 revisions


GameObject / Create Collection

Collection is used to organize game-objects in Editor.
Unlike game-object parent, it does not affect runtime transform hierarchy.

Best Practices: Transforms Optimization
Best Practices: Optimizing the Hierarchy

Click on icon to bring up popup with color bar.


Children are detached during build process or while entering playmode.
Because of that, scene hierarchy will be flattened at runtime.

There is an option in Preferences to keep collections in Playmode.

Important! When collection is disabled and Keep Transform Hierarchy is unchecked — children would be stripped from build!

Attaching Components

Because collections are being stripped in build, attaching components is not allowed.
If you want collection to behave like a regular game-object, use Keep Transform Hierarchy option.

Unsupported (yet)

  • Stripping in Prefabs
  • Entities transform optimizations
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