mintab is a minimum ASCII table utilities for golang
While tablewriter is useful, I wanted a smaller package with features such as backlog format support that tablewriter does not have.
Text merged
Compressed-text merged
Markdown merged
Backlog merged
- Support markdown table format
- Support backlog table format
- Support multiple lines in a row
- Support direct loading of struct slices
- Support for column merging based on previous field values
- Support for column exclusion
- Support for HTML special character escapes (designed primarily for markdown)
- Support for string concatenation when the field is a slice of the primitive type values
- Support automatic string conversion of byte slices
- Nested structs are not supported
- Using reflect
- Add paging for large inputs
- Add minimal styling
- Add caption
- Add escape sequence support
- Add word wrapping with new line
- Improve performance and reduce memory allocations