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Generate Sequelize models from TypeScript type definitions


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smodg - Sequelize Model Generator

Generate Sequelize models from TypeScript type definitions

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    smodg [options] <filepath> 


    --help, -h                   show help
    --migration                  create an Umzug migration. default: false
    --outputDir=PATH, -o PATH    model output directory, relative to current path. default: "src/models"         
    --schema=NAME, -s NAME       specify a schema. default is no schema 
    --version, -v                print installed version


Create a model in src/models:

smodg ./my-type-file.ts

Create a model with a specific schema name:

smodg --schema=my_schema ./my-type-file.ts

Create a model and include a CREATE TABLE migration in ./src/migrations:

smodg --migration ./my-type-file.ts

Create a model with a custom output path:

# do not prefix output dir with ./
smodg --outputDir=src/db-schema ./my-type-file.ts


  • Generates boilerplate Sequelize model in ./src/models/ that includes:
    • imports from sequelize-typescript and sequelize
    • Attributes and ColumnOptions interfaces
    • table definition object with table name
    • column definition object with column names and datatypes
    • model definition with @Table and @Column decorators


  • Currently only works with one type per file. Multiple type aliases in one file will not work.
  • Defaults properties of type number to Sequelize.FLOAT. All generated numeric column definitons need to be reviewed for accuracy.
  • Foreign keys and constraints must be added manually
  • interface is not supported yet

Example Output

// my-custom-type.ts
export type UserAccount = {
    name: string,
    userName: string,
    birthday: Date,
    age: number,
    isActive: boolean
# terminal command
smodg --schema=applicationAccess --migration ./my-custom-type.ts

The above command will generate two files:

// src/models/user-account.model.ts
import {
} from 'sequelize-typescript';

import { UserAccount as UserAccountType } from '@_YOUR_TYPES'
import { ModelAttributeColumnOptions } from 'sequelize';

interface UserAccountCreationAttributes extends UserAccountType {}

interface UserAccountAttributes extends UserAccountCreationAttributes {
    id: number;
    createdBy: string;
    createdDate: Date;
    updatedBy: string;
    updatedDate: Date;

type UserAccountKeys = keyof UserAccountAttributes

interface ColumnOptions extends ModelAttributeColumnOptions {
    field: string

export const tableDefinition = {
    tableName: 'user_account',
    schema: 'application_access',

export const columnDefinition: Record<UserAccountKeys, ColumnOptions> = {
    id: {
        field: "id",
        type: DataType.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true,
    name: {
        field: 'name',
        type: DataType.STRING
    userName: {
        field: 'user_name',
        type: DataType.STRING
    birthday: {
        field: 'birthday',
        type: DataType.DATE
    age: {
        field: 'age',
        type: DataType.FLOAT
    isActive: {
        field: 'is_active',
        type: DataType.BOOLEAN
    createdBy: {
        field: "created_by",
        type: DataType.STRING,
    createdDate: {
        field: "created_date",
        type: DataType.DATE,
    updatedBy: {
        field: "updated_by",
        type: DataType.STRING,
    updatedDate: {
        field: "updated_date",
        type: DataType.DATE,

export class UserAccount
extends Model<UserAccountAttributes, UserAccountCreationAttributes>
implements UserAccountAttributes {
    id!: number;

    name!: string

    userName!: string

    birthday!: Date

    age!: number

    isActive!: boolean

    createdBy!: string;

    createdDate!: Date;

    updatedBy!: string;

    updatedDate!: Date;
// src/migrations/2023.05.18T18.13.57-Create-Table-UserAccount.ts
import { DataType } from 'sequelize-typescript';
import type { Migration } from '../db';

const tableDefinition = {
    tableName: 'user_account',
    schema: 'application_access',

const columnDefinition = {
    id: {
        field: "id",
        type: DataType.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
        autoIncrement: true,
    name: {
        field: 'name',
        type: DataType.STRING
    userName: {
        field: 'user_name',
        type: DataType.STRING
    birthday: {
        field: 'birthday',
        type: DataType.DATE
    age: {
        field: 'age',
        type: DataType.FLOAT
    isActive: {
        field: 'is_active',
        type: DataType.BOOLEAN
    createdBy: {
        field: "created_by",
        type: DataType.STRING,
    createdDate: {
        field: "created_date",
        type: DataType.DATE,
    updatedBy: {
        field: "updated_by",
        type: DataType.STRING,
    updatedDate: {
        field: "updated_date",
        type: DataType.DATE,

export const up: Migration = async ({ context: queryInterface }) => {
    await queryInterface.createTable(tableDefinition, columnDefinition);