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Annotation workflow for archaeal and bacterial genomes from the Spang team


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Annotation pipeline

Nina Dombrowski 2020-09-30


This workflow can be used to annotate bacterial and archaeal genomes.The used databased and necessary scripts can all found in a zenodo repository (, which is part of the following manuscript: Dombrowski, N. et al. Undinarchaeota illuminate DPANN phylogeny and the impact of gene transfer on archaeal evolution. Nature Communications 11, 3939 (2020).

This is the workflow used for the mentioned publication but an updated version of the pipeline is availabe here:

If you use these tutorials in your work, please cite the paper mentioned above.


Version programs

  1. prokka 1.14-dev
  2. Python 2.7.5
  3. perl v5.16.3
  4. HMMER 3.1b2
  5. blastp (Protein-Protein BLAST 2.7.1+)
  6. diamond 0.9.22
  7. interproscan: InterProScan-5.29-68.0

Version databases

  1. KAAS: Automatic Annotation Server Ver. 2.1
  2. TIGRFAMs_15.0_HMM.LIB: downloaded Sept 2018
  3. PFams: RELEASE 31.0, downloaded Sept 2018
  4. CAZymes: dbCAN-HMMdb-V7, dbCAN v2 on 21 Sept 2018
  5. Merops: downloaded from Merops server in Nov18
  6. HydDB: downloaded form HydDB webserver in Nov18
  7. COGs: downloaded from NCBI Nov18
  8. TransporterDB: downloaded from TCDB Nov 18
  9. ncbi_nr (maintained by Alejandro): files from Nov18
  10. ArCOGs. link to ftp (update date: 2018)
  11. KOhmms: downloaded 90419 from link here

Setup of genomes

Set working directory

cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Database_Annotations/v2

Location of relevant data

Notice: These genomes can be used for testing the pipeline

#1. BS18 v2 genomes
cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/*/*faa

We have 5001 genomes to analyse

Make a file to loop through new bins

mkdir FileLists

cat /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Contaminant_cleaning/*/FileLists/Bins_to_keep > FileLists/FileLists/Files.txt

Do the Annotations

Get list to link old with new contig name (since prokka renames the contig name)

mkdir contig_maping

#get contig length for controlling things
for sample in `cat FileLists/Files.txt`; do perl ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ ../../Contaminant_cleaning/*/fna/v2_cleaned/renamed/${sample}_2.fna > contig_maping/${sample}_2_temp1; done

#add number of contigs as separate column
for sample in `cat FileLists/Files.txt`; do awk '$1=(FNR FS $1 FILENAME)' contig_maping/${sample}_2_temp1 > contig_maping/${sample}_temp2; done

#add in binIDs
for sample in `cat FileLists/Files.txt`; do awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{split($2,a,"-"); print a[2],$1,$3,$4}' contig_maping/${sample}_temp2  > contig_maping/${sample}_temp3; done

for sample in `cat FileLists/Files.txt`; do awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{split($1,a,"/"); print a[1],a[2], $2,$3,$4}' contig_maping/${sample}_temp3 | sed 's/contig_maping//g' | sed 's/_temp1//g'  > contig_maping/${sample}_temp4; done

#combine and cleanup
cat contig_maping/*temp4 > contig_maping/Contig_Old_mapping.txt

rm contig_maping/*temp*

#create file for merging with prokka IDs
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $2"_contig_"$3,$0}' contig_maping/Contig_Old_mapping.txt > contig_maping/Contig_Old_mapping_for_merging.txt

Prepare list that links proteins with binIDs

#get list of protein accession nrs
grep "^>" /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  > temp
cut -f1 -d " " temp > temp2
sed 's/>//g' temp2 > AllProteins_list.txt

rm temp*

#Modify protein list to add in a column with binID
awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '{split($1,a,"-"); print $1, a[1]}' AllProteins_list.txt | LC_ALL=C sort > 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt

wc -l 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt

We have 9,785,373 proteins

Prepare a file with prokka annotations $ Lengths $ other genome info

#match contig names with protein IDs
gzip /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/*/*gbk

#make list for looping
for f in /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/*/*gbk.gz; do echo $f >> list_of_gzips; done

#control that the nr of files we have is correct
wc -l list_of_gzips


#convert the gbk file to get the nr of proteins per contig
python ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ -i list_of_gzips -t Contig_Protein_list.txt

#make prokka to binId links
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{split($1,a,"-"); print a[2],$2}' 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{split($1,a,"_"); print a[1],$2}' | sort | uniq > Prokka_to_BinID.txt

#link old to new binIDs
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' Prokka_to_BinID.txt Contig_Protein_list.txt | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $1,$7,$2,$2,$3,$4,$5}'  > temp_Bin_Contig_Protein_list.txt

#add in extra column for contig nr
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{split($4,a,"_"); print $2"_contig_"a[2],$1,$2,$3,a[2],$5,$6,$7}' temp_Bin_Contig_Protein_list.txt > Bin_Contig_Protein_list.txt

#merge with old contig IDs
#headers: accession, BinID, newContigID, oldContigID, mergeContigID,ContigLengthNew, LengthContigOld, GC,ProteinID, prokka
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' contig_maping/Contig_Old_mapping_for_merging.txt Bin_Contig_Protein_list.txt | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $3"-"$7,$3,$4,$10,$1,$6,$14,$13,$7,$8}' >  Bin_Contig_Protein_list_merged.txt

#prepare a file with protein length and gc to add protein length into our file
perl ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa > temp

#merge with contig/protein info
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' temp Bin_Contig_Protein_list_merged.txt | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $2,$1,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$12,$13,$10}' > temp4

#add in taxon string
#Comment: Bin_to_tax.txt info was copied from bin_stats
#1st column = binID, 2nd column = tax string from gtdb (can be exchange by other tax info of course)
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Database_Annotations/v1/Bin_to_tax.txt temp4 | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $2,$1,$14,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12}' > temp5

#add a header
echo -e "accession\tBinID\tTaxString\tNewContigID\tOldContigId\tContigIdMerge\tContigNewLength\tContigOldLength\tGC\tProteinID\tProteinGC\tProteinLength\tProkka" | cat - temp5 > B_GenomeInfo.txt

#control that all is ok
wc -l B_GenomeInfo.txt

#remove temp files
rm temp*

ArCOGs search

download files from here

#modify file for merging
#sed 's/ /_/g' >
#newer version:  sed 's/ /_/g' >

#modifications to the arcog alignment
#cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/arCOGs2014/ar14.ali

#1A. rename and add in filename/arcog (old version 2014)
#for i in *sr; do
#awk '/^/{sub("^","&"FILENAME"_");sub(/\.sr/,x)}1' $i > renamed/$i

#1B. rename and add in filename/arcog (new version 2018, done 06092019)
#cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/arCOGs2019/ali.ar14_v2018
#mkdir renamed
#for i in *sr; do
#awk '/^/{sub("^","&"FILENAME"_");sub(/\.sr/,x)}1' $i > renamed/$i

#make list of files to use
#ls *sr > arcog_list

mkdir arcogs

#make db out of concat genomes
makeblastdb -in /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  -out /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean   -dbtype prot -parse_seqids

#run arcog search
~/../spang_team/Scripts/Hmmer/hmmsearchTable /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  ~/../spang_team/Databases/arCOGs2019/All_Arcogs_2018.hmm 40 -E 1e-5 > arcogs/All_arcogs_hmm.txt

#separate header with arcog and ID
awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '{split($3,a,"."); print $1, a[1], $5,$6}' arcogs/All_arcogs_hmm.txt | LC_ALL=C sort > arcogs/temp3

#merge with contig list
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -j1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o 0,2.2,2.3 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort arcogs/temp3) | LC_ALL=C sort  > arcogs/temp4

#merge with arcog names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 2 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o1.1,0,2.3,2.4,2.2,1.3 <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2 arcogs/temp4) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 ~/../spang_team/Databases/arCOGs2019/ | LC_ALL=C  sort > arcogs/temp5

#add in headers
echo -e "accession\tarcogs\tarcogs_geneID\tarcogs_Description\tPathway\tarcogs_evalue" | cat - arcogs/temp5 > arcogs/C_arcogs.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' arcogs/C_arcogs.tsv B_GenomeInfo.txt > merge/temp_BC.tsv

rm arcogs/temp*

KO search using Hmm’s

#1. Setup directories
mkdir KO_hmm

#2. run hmmsearch against all pfams
~/../spang_team/Scripts/Hmmer/hmmsearchTable /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  ~/../spang_team/Databases/KO_terms/All_KOs.hmm 40 -E 1e-5 > KO_hmm/All_KO_hmm.txt

#merge with protein list
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -t $'\t' -j1 -o 0,2.3,2.5,2.6 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort KO_hmm/All_KO_hmm.txt) | sort -u -k1 > KO_hmm/temp

#get rid of empty space
awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"} {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if($i ~ /^ *$/) $i = "-" }; 1' KO_hmm/temp > KO_hmm/temp2

#merge with KO_hmm names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 2 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,2.2,2.12  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2 KO_hmm/temp2) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/KO_terms/ko_list_for_mapping) | LC_ALL=C  sort > KO_hmm/temp3

#add in an extra column that lists whether hits have a high confidence score
awk  -v OFS='\t' '{ if ($4 > $5){ $7="high_score" }else{ $7="-" } print } ' KO_hmm/temp3 > KO_hmm/temp4

#add header
echo -e "accession\tKO_hmm\te_value\tbit_score\tbit_score_cutoff\tDefinition\tconfidence" | cat - KO_hmm/temp4 > KO_hmm/M_KO_hmm.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' KO_hmm/M_KO_hmm.tsv merge/temp_BC.tsv > merge/temp_BCM.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm KO_hmm/temp*

Pfam search

#1. Setup directories
mkdir pfam

#2. run hmmsearch against all pfams
~/../spang_team/Scripts/Hmmer/hmmsearchTable /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  ~/../spang_team/Databases/Pfam/Pfam-A.hmm 40 -E 1e-5 > pfam/All_pfam.txt

#remove header to avoid issues with join
sed '1d' pfam/All_pfam.txt > pfam/temp

#cp 4th column into first and remove everything after the dot.
awk -F "\t" -v OFS="\t" '{gsub(/\./, "\t", $4); print}'  pfam/temp > pfam/temp2

#merge with protein list
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -t $'\t' -j1 -o 0,1.2,2.6,2.4 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort pfam/temp2) | sort -u -k1 > pfam/temp3

#get rid of empty space
awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"} {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if($i ~ /^ *$/) $i = "-" }; 1' pfam/temp3  > pfam/temp4

#merge with pfam names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 4 -2 1 -t $'\t' -e'-' -o1.1,0,2.5,1.3 <(LC_ALL=C sort -k4 pfam/temp4) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/Pfam/Pfam-A.clans.cleaned.tsv) | LC_ALL=C sort > pfam/temp5

#add in header
echo -e "accession\tPFAM_hmm\tPFAM_description\tPfam_Evalue" | cat - pfam/temp5 > pfam/E_Pfam.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' pfam/E_Pfam.tsv merge/temp_BCM.tsv > merge/temp_BCME.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm pfam/temp*

TIRG search

#1. Setup directories
mkdir TIGRs

#2. run hmmsearch
~/../spang_team/Scripts/Hmmer/hmmsearchTable /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa  ~/../spang_team/Databases/TIGRPFAM/TIGRFAMs_15.0_HMM.LIB 40 -E 1e-5 > TIGRs/All_TIGR.txt

#merge with protein list
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -t $'\t' -j1 -o 0,1.2,2.3,2.5 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort TIGRs/All_TIGR.txt) | sort -u -k1 > TIGRs/temp

#get rid of empty space
awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"} {for(i=1; i<=NF; i++) if($i ~ /^ *$/) $i = "-" }; 1' TIGRs/temp > TIGRs/temp2

#merge with pfam names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 3 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o1.1,0,2.3,2.4,1.4  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k3 TIGRs/temp2) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/TIGRPFAM/TIGR_Info_clean2.txt)| LC_ALL=C  sort > TIGRs/temp3

#add header
echo -e "accession\tTIRGR\tTIGR_description\tEC\tTIGR_Evalue" | cat - TIGRs/temp3 > TIGRs/F_TIGR.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' TIGRs/F_TIGR.tsv merge/temp_BCME.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEF.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm TIGRs/temp*

CazyDB search

#modify mapping file
#sed 's/ /_/g' CAZY_mapping.txt > CAZY_mapping_2.txt

#make folder
mkdir CAZYmes

#2. run hmmsearch against all pfams
~/../spang_team/Scripts/Hmmer/hmmsearchTable /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/CAZymes/Database/dbCAN-HMMdb-V7.txt 20 -E 1e-20 > CAZYmes/All_vs_CAZYmes.txt

#remove .hmm
sed s'/\.hmm//g'  CAZYmes/All_vs_CAZYmes.txt > CAZYmes/temp

#remove header to avoid issues with join
sed '1d' CAZYmes/temp > CAZYmes/temp2

#merge with contig list
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -j1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o 0,2.3,2.5 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort CAZYmes/temp2)  | LC_ALL=C sort  > CAZYmes/temp3

#merge with mapping file
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -1 2 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o 1.1,1.2,1.3,2.2 <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2 CAZYmes/temp3) <(LC_ALL=C sort /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/CAZymes/Database/CAZY_mapping_2.txt) | LC_ALL=C sort  > CAZYmes/temp4

#add in headers
echo -e "accession\tCAZy\tCAZy_evalue\tDescription" | cat - CAZYmes/temp4 > CAZYmes/G_CAZy.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' CAZYmes/G_CAZy.tsv merge/temp_BCMEF.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFG.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm CAZYmes/temp*

Merops search

#prep db
#cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/Merops

#grep ">" Merops_DB.faa
#split -l 600000  Names.txt segment
#scp to deskop and modify in exel (one column Merops ID, one colum description)
#back to ada

#cat segment1_.txt segment2_.txt > Merops_Description.txt
#cut -f1 -d " " Merops_DB.faa > Merops_DB_short.faa
#sed 's/"//g' Merops_Description.txt > Merops_Description2.txt

#make blastdb
#makeblastdb -in Merops_DB_short.faa -out Merops_DB_short   -dbtype prot -parse_seqids

#make folder
mkdir Merops

#2. run blast against all MeropsDB
blastp -num_threads 40 -outfmt 6 -query /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa -db /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/Merops/Merops_DB_short -out Merops/All_vs_Merops.tsv -evalue 1e-20

#find best hit
perl ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ Merops/All_vs_Merops.tsv Merops/temp

Total # records = 766728
Best only # records = 7844

#merge with contig list
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -j1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o 0,2.2,2.11 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort Merops/temp) -t $'\t' | LC_ALL=C sort  > Merops/temp2

#merge with Merops names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 2 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o1.1,0,2.2,1.3  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2  Merops/temp2) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/Merops/Merops_Description2.txt) | LC_ALL=C  sort > Merops/temp3

#add in headers
echo -e "accession\tHMerops\tMeropsDescr\tMerops_evalue" | cat - Merops/temp3 > Merops/H_Merops.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' Merops/H_Merops.tsv merge/temp_BCMEFG.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFGH.tsv

#control stuff
wc -l merge/*tsv

#clean up
rm Merops/temp*

Transporter DB search

wget files from here

#cd /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/TransporterDB

#sed 's/gnl|TC-DB|//g' tcdb.faa > tcdb_renamed.faa
#cut -f1 -d " " tcdb_renamed.faa > tcdb_renamed_short.faa

#not used
#sed 's/>[0-9]*|/>/' tcdb_renamed.faa > tcdb_renamed2.faa

#not used
#join -a1  -1 1 -2 1 -e'-' -o 1.2,0,1.3,2.2 <(LC_ALL=C sort TCDB_Desc_1.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort TCDB_Desc_2.txt) -t $'\t' | LC_ALL=C sort  > TCDB_Desc_final.txt

#make blastdb
#makeblastdb -in tcdb_renamed_short.faa -out tcdb_renamed_short -dbtype prot -parse_seqids

#make folder
mkdir TransporterDB

#2. run blast against all MeropsDB
blastp -num_threads 10 -outfmt 6 -query /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa -db /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/TransporterDB/tcdb_renamed_short -out TransporterDB/All_vs_TPDB.tsv -evalue 1e-20

#find best hit
perl ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ TransporterDB/All_vs_TPDB.tsv TransporterDB/temp

Total # records = 26770500
Best only # records = 979506

#split ids
awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '{split($2,a,"|"); print $1, a[1], a[2], $11}' TransporterDB/temp| LC_ALL=C sort > TransporterDB/temp2

#merge with contig list
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -j1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o 0,2.3,2.4 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort TransporterDB/temp2)  | LC_ALL=C sort  > TransporterDB/temp3

#merge with TPDB names
#join -a1 -1 3 -2 2 -e'-' -o1.1,0,2.3,1.4  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 TransporterDB/temp3) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/TransporterDB/TCDB_Desc_final.txt) -t $'\t' | column -t | LC_ALL=C  sort > TransporterDB/temp4

#add in headers
echo -e "accession\tTDBD_ID\tTPDB_evalue" | cat - TransporterDB/temp3 > TransporterDB/I_TPDB.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' TransporterDB/I_TPDB.tsv merge/temp_BCMEFG.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFGHI.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm TransporterDB/temp*

HydDB search

#done in: /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/HydDB

#remove duplicate headers
#awk 'BEGIN{RS=">"}NR>1{sub("\n","\t"); gsub("\n",""); print RS$0}' HydDB.faa | awk '!seen[$1]++' | awk -v OFS="\n" '{print $1,$2}' > HydDB_uniq.faa

#make blastdb
#makeblastdb -in HydDB_uniq.faa -out HydDB_uniq   -dbtype prot -parse_seqids

mkdir HydDB

blastp -num_threads 20 -outfmt 6 -query /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa -db /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/HydDB/HydDB_uniq -out HydDB/All_vs_HydDB.tsv -evalue 1e-20

#find best hit
perl ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ HydDB/All_vs_HydDB.tsv HydDB/temp

Total # records = 6751109
Best only # records = 109635

#merge with contig list
LC_ALL=C join -a1  -j1 -e'-'  -t $'\t' -o 0,2.2,2.3,2.11,2.12 <(LC_ALL=C sort 1_Bins_to_protein_list.txt) <(LC_ALL=C sort HydDB/temp) | LC_ALL=C sort  > HydDB/temp2

#merge with HydDB names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 2 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t' -o1.1,0,2.2,1.4  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k2  HydDB/temp2) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Databases/HydDB/HydDB_mapping)  | LC_ALL=C  sort > HydDB/temp3

#add in headers
echo -e "accession\tHydDB\tDescription\tHydDB_evalue" | cat - HydDB/temp3 > HydDB/J_HydDB.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' HydDB/J_HydDB.tsv merge/temp_BCMEFGHI.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJ.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm HydDB/temp*


mkdir IPRscan

#needed modifications for prokka files
cd ../../Prokka/V2
mkdir split_faa
cd split_faa

python ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ -m ../All_Genomes_clean.faa -n 5000
#9785373 split into 1958 files

mkdir split_faa
mv split_faa/ ../../Database_Annotations/v2
cd ../../Database_Annotations/v2

#setup parallel once before running IPRscan

#iprscan: (interproscan-5.31-70.0)
#"cite:Tange (2011): GNU Parallel - The Command-Line Power Tool, ;login: The USENIX Magazine, February 2011:42-47."

#test if all files are  grapped
parallel -j10 'i={}; echo $i' ::: split_faa/File*.faa

#run search on laplace

#SBATCH --partition=LONG1
#SBATCH --nodelist=no71
#SBATCH --nodes=1   # require 1 nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=80  # (by default, "ntasks"="cpus")
#SBATCH --error=job.%J.err
#SBATCH --output=job.%J.out
# The above two lines reflect file locations for standard error and output
# Executable commands :

parallel -j20 'i={}; /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Scripts/Interproscan/interproscan-5.31-70.0/ -i $i -d IPRscan/ -T IPRscan/temp --iprlookup --goterms' ::: /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Database_Annotations/v2/split_faa/File*.faa


#start job

#Concat result files
cd IPRscan
mkdir single_files
mv File* single_files
mkdir Concat_results/

cat single_files/File*.faa.xml > Concat_results/All_bins_iprscan-results.xml
cat single_files/File*.faa.gff3 > Concat_results/All_bins_bins_iprscan-results.gff3
cat single_files/File*.faa.tsv > Concat_results/All_bins_bins_iprscan-results.tsv

rm single_files/File*

cd ..

#clean up fasta header so that it is exactly the same as the accession ID in the interproscan results
python ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ -s /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa -i IPRscan/Concat_results/All_bins_bins_iprscan-results.tsv -o IPRscan/All_bins_bins_iprscan-results_parsed.tsv

#remove issue with spaces
sed 's/ /_/g' IPRscan/All_bins_bins_iprscan-results_parsed.tsv | LC_ALL=C  sort > IPRscan/temp.txt

#print only columns of interest
awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t"  '{print $1, $2,$3,$4, $5}' IPRscan/temp.txt > IPRscan/temp2

#add header
echo -e "accession\tPFAM\tPFAMdescription\tIPR\tIPRdescription" | cat - IPRscan/temp2 > IPRscan/K_IPR.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' IPRscan/K_IPR.tsv merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJ.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJK.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm IPRscan/temp*

Diamond search against NCBI NR

mkdir NCBI_NR

#run diamond against NR database
diamond blastp -q /export/lv1/user/spang_team/Projects/BlackSea18/Prokka/V2/All_Genomes_clean.faa --more-sensitive --evalue 1e-5 --threads 20 --seq 50 --no-self-hits --db /export/data01/databases/ncbi_nr/diamond/nr.dmnd --taxonmap /export/data01/databases/taxmapfiles/ncbi_nr/prot.accession2taxid.gz --outfmt 6 qseqid qtitle qlen sseqid salltitles slen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore length pident staxids -o NCBI_NR/All_NCBInr.tsv

#Select columns of interest in diamond output file
awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t" '{ print $1, $5, $6, $11, $12, $14, $15 }'  NCBI_NR/All_NCBInr.tsv > NCBI_NR/temp

#Parse Diamnond Results
python ~/../spang_team/Scripts/Others/ -i AllProteins_list.txt -d NCBI_NR/temp -o NCBI_NR/temp2

#rm header
sed 1d NCBI_NR/temp2 > NCBI_NR/temp3

#add an '-' into empty columns
awk -F"\t" '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=2)gsub(/[[:blank:]]/,"_",$i)}1' OFS="\t" NCBI_NR/temp3 > NCBI_NR/temp4

#the python script above sometimes leaves an empty 7th column, this gets rid of that issue
awk -F'\t' -v OFS="\t"  '{if (!$7) {print $1,$2, $4 , $6, "-"} else {print $1, $2, $4, $6, $7}}' NCBI_NR/temp4 | LC_ALL=C sort > NCBI_NR/temp5

#split columns with two tax ids
awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '{split($5,a,";"); print $1, $2, $3, $4, a[1]}' NCBI_NR/temp5 > NCBI_NR/temp6

#in column 2 remove everything after < (otherwise the name can get too long)
awk -F'\t' -v OFS='\t' '{split($2,a,"<"); print $1, a[1], $3, $4, $5}' NCBI_NR/temp6 > NCBI_NR/temp6a

#merge with tax names
LC_ALL=C join -a1 -1 5 -2 1 -e'-' -t $'\t'  -o1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.2  <(LC_ALL=C sort -k5  NCBI_NR/temp6a) <(LC_ALL=C sort -k1 ~/../spang_team/Databases/NCBI_taxonomy/Jul2019/taxonomy5.txt ) | LC_ALL=C  sort > NCBI_NR/temp7

#add in header
echo -e "accession\tTopHit\tE_value\tPecID\tTaxID\tTaxString" | cat - NCBI_NR/temp7 > NCBI_NR/L_Diamond.tsv

#combine with previous dataframe
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}FNR==NR{a[$1]=$0;next}{print $0,a[$1]}' NCBI_NR/L_Diamond.tsv merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJK.tsv > merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJKL.tsv

#control lines
wc -l merge/*

#clean up
rm NCBI_NR/temp*

Modify final dataframe and put everything together

#rm redundant headers and reconstruct accession ID
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}NR==1{for(x=2;x<=NF;x++)if($x!="accession")l[x]++;}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if(i in l)printf (i==NF)?$i"":$i"\t";printf "\n"}' merge/temp_BCMEFGHIJKL.tsv > merge/temp_1.tsv

#reconstruct one accession ID
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";OFS="\t"}{print $1"-"$9,$0}' merge/temp_1.tsv > merge/temp_2.tsv

#change column name
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t";FS="\t"; OFS="\t"}{if(NR==1) $1="accession"} {print $0 }' merge/temp_2.tsv > merge/Annotations_BS18_v2.txt

#control for a bin
#grep "NIOZ128_mb_b154_1" merge/Annotations_BS18_IlluminaBins_v1.txt > merge/NIOZ128_mb_b154_1.txt

#control first 50 columns
head -50 merge/Annotations_BS18_v2.txt > merge/test.txt

#clean up
rm merge/temp_[12].tsv
gzip merge/*tsv


Annotation workflow for archaeal and bacterial genomes from the Spang team







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