As a way to show some of the projects I've been working on and worked on. This small site acts as my resume.
On a single page I also summarize some of the research I worked on as a grad student and current research interests.
Weather forecast for a certain city
Password Generator (namely LazyPass)
To do/doing list
Current month calendar
Most icons and images are SVGs and are from here, or own created.
Weather data are rendered with D3JS library.
Current and forecast weather data are from the Japan Meteorological Agency.
Sunspot data are from the Royal Observatory of Belgium.
GOES X-ray list of events are scraped from NOAA/SWPC.
Sun and Moon rise/set times are from dayspediaand respectively.
Solar zenith data are courtesy of Robert Larsson’s homepage
- Fully responsive design
Browser: Firefox, obviously.
Editor: VIM and Codium
OS: Debian Buster
PC: Sony Vaio J21
To replace " " with commas:
:1,$s/ /,/g
Replace comma with "cr" char for the last line:
Search and DEL words that start with capital A,B,C,...Z: