This is a small R
script to convert the Rdata
file created by the automated algorithm configuration tool irace to input format supported by the algorithm parameter analysis tool PyImp.
There are two examples in examples
folder. To run each example, simply execute the script
in that folder
./irace-to-pimp.R [--help] [--normalise] [--normalise-scope NORMALISE-SCOPE] [--out-dir OUT-DIR]
[--instance-feature-file INSTANCE-FEATURE-FILE]
[--filter-conditions FILTER-CONDITIONS]
[--default-configuration-index DEFAULT-CONFIGURATION-INDEX] irace-rdata-file
positional arguments:
irace-rdata-file irace Rdata file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n, --normalise
Normalise the cost metric values before converting to PIMP format.
By default, the normalisation is instance-based. However, sometimes
there are several instances with the same feature values, and we
might want to normalise based on feature values instead. See option
-normlisation-scope for details
optional arguments:
-ns, --normalise-scope NORMALISE-SCOPE
Scope of the normalisation. Values:
instance: normalisation cost is calculated based on instances
feature: normalisation cost is calculated based on instance
features. Instance features must be provided
[default: instance]
-d, --out-dir OUT-DIR
directory where all generated data are stored. [default: ./output]
-fea, --instance-feature-file INSTANCE-FEATURE-FILE
a .csv file containing instance features (one line per instance,
sorted in the same order as the list of instances input to irace).
The first line contains feature names.
-c, --filter-conditions FILTER-CONDITIONS
Only extract data that satisfies the given conditions. The
conditions are in R expression format [default: no filter]
-i, --default-configuration-index DEFAULT-CONFIGURATION-INDEX
Index of default configuration (starting from 1), used by ablation
analysis [default: 1]