This library exposes the basic functions in the Trello API as a member functions which can be used in larger applications. The library is was originally created by [@GraemeF]. Requires Restler to function.
var Trello = require 'trello';
var trello = Trello( <key>,<token>);
trello.getCardsOnBoard(<boardId>, function (error, result){
if (error instanceOf Error) {
} else {
for (var i=0; i < result.length; i++) {
Creates the initial Trello connection. You will need a read/write token to enable all functionality
Adds new board to your Trello Account
Adds a new list to a given board
Add a new card to a given list
Add a comment to specified card
Update a specified card with parameters passed
Valid Parameters
- name - Name of the card
- desc - Description of the card
- closed - Open or close card (True/False)
- idList - Id of the list to move the card to
- due - assign a due date to a card (either date or null)
Updates the description on a card
Moves a card to a new list, the listId is for the new list
Add a member to a card
Retrieve the members of a given board
Retrieve lists on a given board
Retrieve all cards on a given board
Get an individual card
Delete a single card