For one of my projects I have to communicate with the api, I searched the web for a php api wrapper, but didn't find one. This is my attempt on building one.
The goal of this wrapper is to make communicating with the Trakt api easier. It aims to be easy, readable and usable in many cases. Designed as a composer package it can be easy installed inside a lager application.
As of now, the api wrapper doesn't use a settings file. Only for the require-dev is a settings library included. This means that you need to provide the wrapper with you api key before you start using it. This is done like so:
//continue to use the trakt-api library
Post request
//setting the required parameters
$params = array('username'=>'john', 'password'=>sha1('ilovejane'));
//Retrieving account settings from trakt
$res = Trakt::post('account/settings')->setParams($params)->run(); //$res is now an array of the json response
Another post request
$user = 'jane';
$password = sha1('ilovejohn');
$params = array('username'=>$user, 'password'=>$password, 'tvdb_id'=>205281,'title'=>'Falling Skies', 'year' => 2011, 'comment' => 'It has grown into one of my favorite shows!');
$res = Trakt::post('comment/show')->setParams($params)->run();
Get request
//getting with no parameters
$res = Trakt::get('activity/community')->run(); //gets all activity
//getting with parameters
$types = 'episode, show, list';
$actions = 'watching, scrobble, seen';
$res = Trakt::get('activity/community')->setTypes($types)
As for a time now, i'm done with writing the core and started on writing some wrapper classes/methods for common usage.
This is what I'm currently trying to create:
//initiate the movie
$movie = Trakt::movie('riddick-2013'); //can be TVDB id or slug
//some actions
$success = $movie->checkin();
$success = $movie->cancleCheckin();
$success = $movie->addToWatchlist();
$success = $movie->addToList('list-name'); //slug of the list name
//a way to get info
$watchers = $movie->getWatchingNow();
$comments = $movie->getComments();
The api of trakt, just as everything else on the world wide web, changes over time. Currently, this means that when something changes on the api, i have to add these changes to the TraktUriOrder list.
Feel free to contact me or help development :)