A recipe storage and assistant application
- Product Owner: Jhia Turner
- Scrum Master: Nate Ong
- Development Team Members: Jhia Turner, Nate Ong, Taehwan Lim, Nathan Vang
- Go to the assigned server's url.
- Once there you'll be prompted to sign in with a Google account before you can access anything else
- After signing in the app will retrieve all recipes that have been assigned to your name
- You have the option to:
- Select a recipe
- Create a new recipe
- Log out
- From the home page click on the create button
- On this page you may fill out whichever fields you please, but the name of the recipe is a required field!
- Ingredients and steps must be added one at a time
- You may remove the last input of either ingredients or steps by clicking the undo button under each of their respective categories on the right side
- Once you are finished with all inputs, simply click "Add Recipe!" and the recipe will be added
- This will also bring you back to the homepage showing all of your recipes with the most recently added one at the bottom
- From the home page click on the title of a recipe
- This will bring you to the overview of the selected recipe, which will show the following information:
- The title
- The ingredients required for each recipe
- The amount of time a recipe may take to prepare
- The amount of time a recipe may take to cook
- The amount of servings the recipe aims to provide
- Within this page you are also given access to either start the selected recipe or edit it
- From the recipe overview page, click on Edit
- This will bring you to the edit page, with the following fields
- The title
- This is the only required field that needs to be filled
- Ingredients involved with the recipe
- Each ingredient should be separated by a comma
- The preparation time
- The cook time
- The amount of servings the recipe expects to make
- The steps involved in making this recipe
- Each step should be separated by a comma
- From the recipe overview page, click on Start
- This will bring you to the beginning of the steps page
- You are given the choice of manually going through each step, OR activating voice commands by clicking Start Kitchen Assistant
- Manually:
- To go to the next step, click Next
- To go to the previous step, click Prev.
- To go to the first step, click First
- To go to the last step, click Last
- To go exit the recipe, click Exit
- Voice Commands:
- artyom.js: 1.0.6
- axios: 0.18.0
- body-parser: 1.18.3
- express: 4.16.3
- jquery: 3.3.1
- mongoose: 5.2.13
- react: 16.4.2
- react-dom: 16.4.2
- request: 2.88.0
- babel/core: 7.0.0,
- babel/preset-env: 7.0.0,
- babel/preset-react: 7.0.0,
- babel-loader: 8.0.2,
- chai: 4.1.2,
- mocha: 5.2.0,
- webpack: 4.17.2,
- webpack-cli: 3.1.0,
- webpack-dev-server: 3.1.7
From within the root directory type in the following code:
npm install
View the project roadmap here and [here] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/14bqOGESN1answPR3PCp6_TXR-Bo6dwyK/view?usp=sharing)
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.