A curated list of awesome Ethereum Smart Contract Development resources, tools, security and more.
- Solidity Forum
- Ethereum Magicians Forum
- OpenZeppelin Forum
- Smart Contract Research Forum
- Ethereum StackExchange
- StarkNet
- Awesome Solidity
A curated list of awesome Solidity resources, libraries, tools and more.
- Ethereum Developer Resources
Guides, resources, and tools for developers building on Ethereum.
- Awesome Fondry
- Awesome DappTools
DappTools Resources
- Awesome Security Ethereum
A curated list of awesome Ethereum security references, guidance, tools, and more.
- ConsenSys Ethereum Developer Tools List
A guide to available tools, components, patterns, and platforms for developing applications on Ethereum.
- Awesome IPFS
Useful resources for using IPFS and building things on top of it
- Awesome StarkNet
A curated list of awesome StarkNet resources, libraries, tools and more.
- Forge
- Forge Standard Library
- Fondry Cheatcode Reference
- Anvil
- Chisel
- Hevm
- DSTest
- DssTest
- HardHat Network
- Ganache
- Foundry Toolchain CI
- DappTools Maker CI
- DappTools Template CI
- HardHat Tests CI
- HardHat Lint CI
- Slither Check CI
- Echidna Fuzz CI
- Echidna Action
- Solidity
- Foundry Book
- Certora
- Hevm
- DappTools
- Dapp
- Seth
- Ethsign
- Ethsign
- HardHat
- OpenZeppelin
- Truffle
- Ganache
- Ethers.js
- Web3.js
- Ethers.rs
- DappTools Basic Usage
- Introduction to Seth
- Symbolic Execution With ds-test
- HEVM and Seth Cheatsheet
- Use dapp.tools for Ethereum Contract Development
- Programming a simple ERC20 token - Part 1
- Programming a simple ERC20 token - Part 2
- Programming a simple ERC20 token - Part 3
- Programming a simple ERC20 token - Part 4
- Programming a simple ERC20 token - Part 5
- Become a Dapptools Pilled Chad in 30 minutes or Your Money Back
- Smart Contract Development with dapp.tools
- Multi Collateral Dai
- DSS ChainLog
- DSS Deploy
- DSS Deploy Scripts
- DSS Spells
- DSS Exec Lib
- DSS Ilk Registry
- DSS Proxy Actions
- DSS CDP Manager
- DSS MegaPoker
- DSS Vest
- DSS Charter
- DS Token
- DS Deed
- Chai
- Multicall
- MCD Setzer
- Single Collateral Dai
- Dappsys
- Dappsys V2
- ETH2 Deposit Contract
- Maple Finance
- Fractional