This repository contains a Julia package to adaptively and efficiently compute matrix exponential up to a given tolerance.
This work presents a new algorithm to compute the matrix exponential within a given tolerance. Combined with the scaling and squaring procedure, the algorithm incorporates Taylor, partitioned and classical Padé methods shown to be superior in performance to the approximants used in state-of-the-art software. The algorithm computes matrix--matrix products and also matrix inverses, but it can be implemented to avoid the computation of inverses, making it convenient for some problems. If the matrix A belongs to a Lie algebra, then exp(A) belongs to its associated Lie group, being a property which is preserved by diagonal Padé approximants, and the algorithm has another option to use only these. Numerical experiments show the superior performance with respect to state-of-the-art implementations.
julia> ]
(@v1.11) pkg> add
using AdaptiveExp
A = rand(5, 5);
B = expadapt(A, 1e-11)
C = expadapt(A) # the same as expadapt(A, 1e-12)
First, change the working directory to AdaptiveExp/examples
, for example, if you are currently in the package's directory:
cd ./examples
Then in Julia activate the (separate) environment in the examples
directory of the package:
julia> ]
(@v1.11) pkg> activate .
Activating project at `~/AdaptiveExp/examples`
(examples) pkg>
Run an example in Julia REPL:
julia> include("./experiment_unit_err_vs_norm.jl")