- I am a Competitive Programmer.
- Have been programming for five years.
- Tech enthusiast.
- Deep love for data structures and algorithms.
- Looking for Software Engineer role.
- π ICPC Asia West Continent Finalist 2021. Our team managed to attend as the 19βth team from our country.
- π Selected for ICPC Asia Dhaka Regional 2021 hosted by BUBT and secured 40βth rank among 165 teams.
- π Selected for ICPC Dhaka Regional 2020 Main Round - Hosted by CSE, DU and secured 86βth rank among 110 teams.
- π University Programming Contest - BUET IUPC 2022 - BUET, AUST IUPC 2022 - AUST, RUET IUPC 2022 - RUET, DUET IUPC 2019 - DUET.
- π Codeforces Max-rating 1778. Handle: naeem4265
- π Codechef Max-rating 1890. Handle: naeem4265
- π Almost (2500+ and counting) problems solved on several online platform.
Languages & frameworks have been sorted as, most proficient on the left and less proficient on the right
- Software Engineering
- Software development
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Structure
- Mathematics
- Computer Systems
- Sports and Travelling.