This Cypress based sample tests project is implemented with the help of TypeScript and uses page-object model as the design pattern with BDD approach.
Folder Structure:
├── cypress
│ └── specs (feature files)
| └── step-definitions (tests code)
│ └── ui-identifiers (page objects)
│ └── screenshots (capture screenshot on failure)
└── cypress.json (cypress global configuration)
Salient Features:
- Based on POM design pattern.
- Has the capability to run on various viewports such as desktop, tablet and mobile.
- Based on Cucumber / Gherkin standard.
- Cross-browser platform.
- Fully automated and provide console tests report.
- Ability to take screenshot on failure.
- Clone the project
- Open terminal and run
npm install
Running tests:
- Open terminal, run
npm run cy:open
to run tests in headed mode or runnpm run cy:run
to run in headless mode
Once the execution is complete, this is how the test report would look like,