Define all your framework (or project) specific settings in a single
location that is easy to keep track off and tell vim-frameworkrc
which one you would like to use based on the file that you have in
the current buffer.
If you don't have a preferred installation method, one option is to install pathogen.vim, and then copy and paste
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://
Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with
:help Frameworkrc
Example Laravel based configuration based on Jeffrey Way's .vimrc
Create a file called laravel.vim
in plugin's configs
nmap <leader>lr :e app/routes.php<cr>
nmap <leader>lca :e app/config/app.php<cr>81Gf(%O
nmap <leader>lcd :e app/config/database.php<cr>
nmap <leader>lc :e composer.json<cr>
" Prepare a new PHP class
function! Class()
let name = input('Class name? ')
let namespace = input('Any Namespace? ')
if strlen(namespace)
exec 'normal i<?php namespace ' . namespace . ';
exec 'normal i<?php
" Open class
exec 'normal iclass ' . name . ' {^M}^[O^['
exec 'normal i^M public function __construct()^M{^M ^M}^['
nmap ,1 :call Class()<cr>
Now create a .frameworkrc
file in your laravel project's root directory:
That's it! Whenever you open a file somewhere within that directory or its
subdirectories, your laravel.vim
will be sourced.
Copyright (c) Edvin Malinovskis. Distributed under the MIT License.