This repository contains implementation of Actor-Critic with Experience Replay and autocorrelated actions and Actor-Critic with Experience Replay algorithms.
Python3 is required.
Note that, steps bellow won't install
all of the OpenAI Gym environments. Visit
OpenAI Gym repository for more details.
- Create new virtual environment:
python3.7 -m venv {name}
Note: it will create the environment folder in your current directory.
- Activate the virtual environment (should be run from the same directory as above or full path should be passed):
source {name}/bin/activate
- While in the repository's root directory, install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the agent:
python {args...}
python acerac/ --algo acer --env_name Pendulum-v0 --gamma 0.95 \
--lam 0.9 --b 3 --c 10 --actor_lr 0.001 --learning_starts 1000 --critic_lr 0.002 \
--actor_layers 20 --critic_layers 50 --memory_size 1000000 \
--num_parallel_envs 10 --actor_beta_penalty 0.1 --batches_per_env 10
python3.7 acerac/ --algo acerac --env_name HalfCheetahBulletEnv-v0 \
--gamma 0.99 --lam 0.9 --b 2 --learning_starts 1000 --c 1 --actor_lr 0.00003 --critic_lr 0.00006 \
--actor_layers 256 256 --critic_layers 256 256 --memory_size 1000000 \
--num_parallel_envs 1 --actor_beta_penalty 0.001 --batches_per_env 256 \
--num_evaluation_runs 5 --std 0.4 --max_time_steps 3000000 --tau 4 --alpha 0.5
During the training some statistics like being collected and logged by TensorBoard (logs/ folder). To view the dashboard run
tensorboard --logdir logs
in the repository's root directory. The dashboard will be available in the browser under
the addres http://localhost:6006/
To disable storing the logs run the script with --no_tensorboard
Marcin Szulc, Jakub Łyskawa, Paweł Wawrzyński,
A framework for reinforcement learning with autocorrelated actions.
ICONIP2020 | paper
Paweł Wawrzyński,
Real-time reinforcement learning by sequential actor–critics
and experience replay.
Neural Networks, 22(10):1484–1497, 2009.
Paweł Wawrzyński and Ajay Kumar Tanwani,
Autonomous reinforcement learning with experience replay.
Neural Networks, 41:156-167, 2013.