🔭 I’m currently working on GenAI Project | Hugging Face Projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Data Analysis,Data Science,Machine Learning,GenAI
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🔭 I’m currently working on GenAI Project | Hugging Face Projects
🌱 I’m currently learning Data Analysis,Data Science,Machine Learning,GenAI
💬 Ask me about Data Analysis, Data Science,Machine Learning,GenAI and much More
Forked from Yash-Kavaiya/CampusX-courses
Notes for 10 courses launched by CampusX
Jupyter Notebook 1
Python module designed to replace common internet slang and abbreviations with their full forms, enhancing the readability of informal text. It efficiently cleans text data from chats, social media…
Python package designed to streamline the organization of files by automatically categorizing them based on their extensions. With PiFolderOrganizer, users can easily sort files into predefined or …
Python library designed to clean and preprocess text data by removing unwanted elements such as HTML tags, URLs, numbers, special characters, emojis, contractions, and stopwords. It offers flexible…