At PlaceMe, we place you in the perfect neighbourhood based on your preferences which are sorted by Housing Prices, Crime Rate, and Convenience Score.
PlaceMe is a website that lets you get a gist of the society you could be a part of, and also allows you to sort by these crucial features: House Price, Crime Rate, and Convenience Score! But, wait a minute..what on Earth is the Convenience Score?! It’s our ingenious score devised on the proximity of basic necessities in a neighbourhood (grocery stores, parks, stations, and much more!) as well as the accessibility to transport and transit.
We offer two services: PlaceMe and BriefMe!
- PlaceMe is our premier service that allows us to place you in the best neighbourhood possible based on your preferences.
- BriefMe apprises you about all the stuff you need to know about a community you have already decided on.
Choose one and the process is done!
Contributors: Mahdi Raza, Om Ogale, Karthik Viriyala, Harsha Puranik