a cassowary constraint solver. wraps kiwi.js with better ergonomics.
Declares a mini language to declare constraints in text rather than code.
Requires node >= v12.17 or a browser that supports es modules.
import constraints from 'constraint-solver'
const layout = constraints(`
editable window.width strong
editable window.height
modal.width <= window.width * 0.95 required
modal.height <= window.height * 0.95 required
modal.left == (window.width - modal.width) / 2 required
modal.top == (window.height - modal.height) / 2 required
playlist.width == modal.width / 3
playlist.height <= videoContainer.height required
playlist.top == modal.top required
playlist.left == modal.left + videoContainer.width
videoContainer.width == modal.width * 0.66
videoContainer.height == modal.height
videoContainer.top == modal.top required
layout.suggestValue('window.width', 1024)
layout.suggestValue('window.height', 768)
console.log(layout.getValues({ roundToInt: true }))
window.width: 1024,
window.height: 768,
modal.width: 972,
modal.height: 729,
modal.left: 25,
modal.top: 19
playlist.height: 729,
playlist.left: 667,
playlist.top: 19,
playlist.width: 324
videoContainer.height: 729,
videoContainer.top: 19,
videoContainer.width: 642
The language is defined in a pegjs grammar, which generates a parser javascript module. That module is capable of taking a string of source code as input, and produces json containing all the parsed tokens. These tokens are turned into kiwi.js constraints and variables.
┌─────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────┐
│input constraints│ ┌───────┐ │intermediate representation │ │IR to kiwi │
│(raw text) ├─▶│ peggy ├─▶│ (IR, in JSON) ├─▶│solver │
└─────────────────┘ └───────┘ └────────────────────────────┘ └───────────┘
(accepts tokens as input)