Tags: mrash/fwknop
fwknop-2.6.11 (02/06/2024): - [server] (Amin Massad) Fixed two bugs in PF handling code - one for indefinitely repeating error messages "Did not find expire comment in rules list 0" in rule deletion code, and the second where min_exp was not computed correctly for min_exp equal to zero. See github issue #295. - [server] Add ALLOW_ANY_USER_AGENT for ENABLE_SPA_OVER_HTTP mode so that fwknopd will accept any User-Agent string coming from the client. By default this is disabled, so only SPA packets with a User-Agent string that begins with 'Fwknop' will be accepted. Just set this variable to 'Y' to override this. Then, on the fwknop client command line, use the --user-agent option to specify any desired User-Agent string. This feature was added to close issue #296 reported by github user @fishcreek. - [AppArmor] (Francois Marier) Various fixes to the AppArmor profile to support recent versions of Debian and Ubuntu. - [test suite] Add gpg.conf and gpg-agent.conf to set 'pinentry-mode loopback' to restore GPG full cycle tests. This works with GPG 2.2.27 on Ubuntu 22.04 for example. - [test suite] Prefer the 'ip' command over the older 'ifconfig' command for interface operations and loopback detection. - [test suite] Update the 'spa_fuzzing.py' fuzzer to use Python3.
fwknop-2.6.11 (12/09/2019): - [server] (Amin Massad) Fixed two bugs in PF handling code - one for indefinitely repeating error messages "Did not find expire comment in rules list 0" in rule deletion code, and the second where min_exp was not computed correctly for min_exp equal to zero. See github issue #295. - [server] Add ALLOW_ANY_USER_AGENT for ENABLE_SPA_OVER_HTTP mode so that fwknopd will accept any User-Agent string coming from the client. By default this is disabled, so only SPA packets with a User-Agent string that begins with 'Fwknop' will be accepted. Just set this variable to 'Y' to override this. Then, on the fwknop client command line, use the --user-agent option to specify any desired User-Agent string. This feature was added to close issue #296 reported by github user @fishcreek.
fwknop-2.6.10 (08/06/2018): - [server] Add MAX_FW_TIMEOUT to access.conf stanzas to allow a maximum number of seconds for client-specified timeouts in SPA packets. This fixes issue #226 which was spotted by Jeremiah Rothschild. - [server] Bug fix in CMD_EXEC mode to make sure to call exit() upon any error from execvpe(). Without this fix, additional fwknopd processes would be started upon a user specifying a command without the necessary permissions. This bug was reported by Stephen Isard. - [build] Jérémie Courrèges-Anglas and Ingo Feinerer contributed a patch to fix endian detection on OpenBSD systems based on information contained here: https://www.opengroup.org/austin/docs/austin_514.txt - [client/server] (Michael Stair) Added client and server infrastructure written in Erlang. See the erlang/ directory.
fwknop-2.6.9 release fwknop-2.6.9 (06/08/2016): - (Jonathan Bennett) Added support for the SHA3 "Keccak" algorithm (specifically SHA3_256 and SHA3_512) for SPA HMAC and digest checking. Enabling SHA3 from the fwknop client command line is done with the '-m' option for the embedded SPA digest, or with the --hmac-digest-type argument for the HMAC. On the server side, SHA3_256 or SHA3_512 can be required for incoming SPA packet HMAC'c via the HMAC_DIGEST_TYPE configuration variable in access.conf stanzas. The SHA3 implementation is from, Keyak and Ketje Teams, namely, Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michael Peeters, Gilles Van Assche and Ronny Van Keer - see: http://keyak.noekeon.org/ - (Damien Stuart) Added support for libnetfilter_queue so that fwknopd can acquire SPA packets via the NFQ target. This feature is enabled with a new command line switch '--enable-nfq-capture' for the configure script, and libpcap is not required in this mode. In support of capturing SPA packets via the NFQ target, new configuration variables have been added to the fwknopd.conf file: ENABLE_NFQ_CAPTURE, NFQ_INTERFACE, NFQ_PORT, NFQ_TABLE, NFQ_CHAIN, NFQ_QUEUE_NUMBER, and NFQ_LOOP_SLEEP. - (Vlad Glagolev) Added support for deriving the source IP from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header when SPA packets are sent over HTTP connections. - Bug fix in command open/close cycle feature to ensure that the first successful match on a valid incoming SPA packet finishes all access.conf stanza processing. That is, no other stanzas should be looked at after the first match, and this is consistent with other SPA modes (such as basic access requests). This bug was reported by Jonathan Bennett. - (Jonathan Bennett) Various fixes and enhancements to the test suite to extend code coverage to new code, ensure valgrind bytes lost detection works for amount of memory less than 10 bytes, better timing strategy for fwknop client/server interactions, and more.
- (Jonathan Bennett) Added support for the SHA3 "Keccak" algorithm (specifically SHA3_256 and SHA3_512) for SPA HMAC and digest checking. Enabling SHA3 from the fwknop client command line is done with the '-m' option for the embedded SPA digest, or with the --hmac-digest-type argument for the HMAC. On the server side, SHA3_256 or SHA3_512 can be required for incoming SPA packet HMAC'c via the HMAC_DIGEST_TYPE configuration variable in access.conf stanzas. The SHA3 implementation is from, Keyak and Ketje Teams, namely, Guido Bertoni, Joan Daemen, Michael Peeters, Gilles Van Assche and Ronny Van Keer - see: http://keyak.noekeon.org/ - (Vlad Glagolev) Added support for deriving the source IP from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header when SPA packets are sent over HTTP connections. - Bug fix in command open/close cycle feature to ensure that the first successful match on a valid incoming SPA packet finishes all access.conf stanza processing. That is, no other stanzas should be looked at after the first match, and this is consistent with other SPA modes (such as basic access requests). This bug was reported by Jonathan Bennett. - (Jonathan Bennett) Various fixes and enhancements to the test suite to extend code coverage to new code, ensure valgrind bytes lost detection works for amount of memory less than 10 bytes, better timing strategy for fwknop client/server interactions, and more.
fwknop-2.6.8 (12/23/2015): - [server] Added a major new feature that allows fwknopd to easily integrate with third-party devices and software. This done through the addition of a generic "command open" and "command close" capability, and a set of variable substitutions are supported such as '$SRC', '$PORT', and '$PROTO'. This feature is designed to allow the user to switch out the default firewall - iptables, firewalld, ipfw, or PF - for something complete different. For example, here is a write-up on using this feature to integrate SPA operations with ipset: https://cipherdyne.org/blog/2015/12/single-packet-authorization-and-third-party-devices.html - [server] (Jonathan Bennett) Added new access.conf directives '%include <file>' and '%include_folder <directory>'. This allows more access stanzas to be defined in other locations in the filesystem, and this can be adventageous in some scenarios by letting non-privledged users define their own encryption and authentication keys for SPA operations. This way, users do not need write access to the main /etc/fwknop/access.conf file to change keys around or define new ones. - [server] Bug fix to not send the TCP server a TERM signal even when it is not running when fwknopd receives a HUP signal. - [libfko] Bug fix for a crash that could be triggered in fko_set_username() when a username that is 64 chars or longer is specified. This crash cannot be triggered in fwknopd even if an SPA packet contains such a username however due to additional protections in the SPA decoding routines. Further, this bug does not apply to the main fwknop client either because the maximal username size is truncated down below 64 bytes. Hence, this bug only applies to client-side software that is directly using libfko calling the fko_set_username() function. - [test suite] Code coverage is now at 90.7% counted by lines. The complete coverage report for the 2.6.8 release is available here: https://www.cipherdyne.org/fwknop/lcov-results/
duplicate 2.6.5 tag to make github tarball downloads work properly