Gokit is a distributed programming toolkit for microservices in the modern enterprise.
- Mailing list: go-kit
- Slack: gophers.slack.com #go-kit (invite)
See the motivating blog post and the video of the talk.
- Operate in a heterogeneous SOA — expect to interact with mostly non-Go-kit services
- RPC as the primary messaging pattern
- Pluggable serialization and transport — not just JSON over HTTP
- Zipkin-compatible request tracing
- Supporting messaging patterns other than RPC (in the initial release) — pub/sub, CQRS, etc.
- Having opinions on deployment, orchestration, process supervision, etc.
- Having opinions on configuration passing — flags, env vars, files, etc.
- API stability — adopted
package log
— implementedpackage metrics
— implementedpackage endpoint
— implementedpackage transport
— implementedpackage circuitbreaker
— implementedpackage loadbalancer
— implementedpackage ratelimit
— implementedpackage tracing
— prototyping- Client patterns — prototyping
- Service discovery — pending
- Example addsvc — implemented
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md. Thank you, contributors!
Users who import Go kit into their package main
are responsible to organize
and maintain all of their dependencies to ensure code compatibility and build
reproducibility. Gokit makes no direct use of dependency management tools like
We will use a variety of continuous integration providers to find and fix compatibility problems as soon as they occur.
The Go kit project depends on code maintained by others. This includes the Go standard library and sub-repositories and other external libraries. The Go language and standard library provide stability guarantees, but the other external libraries typically do not. The API Stability RFC proposes a standard policy for package authors to advertise API stability. The Go kit project prefers to depend on code that abides the API stability policy.
Projects with a ★ have had particular influence on Go kit's design.
- go-micro, a microservices client/server library ★
- gocircuit, dynamic cloud orchestration
- gotalk, async peer communication protocol & library
- Kite, a micro-service framework
- afex/hystrix-go, client-side latency and fault tolerance library
- armon/go-metrics, library for exporting performance and runtime metrics to external metrics systems
- codahale/lunk, structured logging in the style of Google's Dapper or Twitter's Zipkin
- eapache/go-resiliency, resiliency patterns
- FogCreek/logging, a tagged style of logging
- grpc/grpc-go, HTTP/2 based RPC
- inconshreveable/log15, simple, powerful logging for Go ★
- mailgun/vulcand, prorammatic load balancer backed by etcd
- mattheath/phosphor, distributed system tracing
- pivotal-golang/lager, an opinionated logging library
- rubyist/circuitbreaker, circuit breaker library
- Sirupsen/logrus, structured, pluggable logging for Go ★
- sourcegraph/appdash, application tracing system based on Google's Dapper
- spacemonkeygo/monitor, data collection, monitoring, instrumentation, and Zipkin client library
- streadway/handy, net/http handler filters
- vitess/rpcplus, package rpc + context.Context
- gdamore/mangos, nanomsg implementation in pure Go
- Architecting for the Cloud — Netflix
- Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure — Google
- Your Server as a Function (PDF) — Twitter