A web audio player PWA using latest Web APIs.
- 💿 Plays all audio file formats Chrome supports
- 🏷 Uses metadata like title, artist, album and picture from file-tags
- 🔗 Getting metadata from LastFM and MusicBrainz
- 🌈 Extracts colors from cover-art to adjust apps theme-colors
- ⌨ Keyboard input
- 🎮 Gamepad input
- ⏭ Supports browser and OS media-controls, and uses wakelock to screen locking
- 🎚 10 band equalizer
- 📊 Band-Meter and Oscilloscope Visualization
- 🔋 Local cache for all metadata in IndexedDB
- 🧲 Settings persistence in LocalStorage
- 📱 Responsive Layout for Desktop and Mobile
- 💾 Working offline and installable on most OSs
App-Icon generated with:
Material Icons:
Tag Reader:
Color extraction from cover-art: