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Release v2.13.1

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@ruslanbaidan ruslanbaidan released this 18 Nov 11:04
· 5 commits to master since this release

The code refactoring includes the following parts:

  • Removed the relying on the abstraction and sharing the same methods execution of services.
  • Implemented the single responsibility approach to the entities.I
  • Added the filtering functionality to process the incoming get requests data and prepare them for the filter and sort queries.
  • Added the data validation at first place. Before the post, put, patch and delete requests data are passed to the services, they are validated.
  • Removed the dependency on the abstract table common methods, where the entities positions were processed, and some specific code run.
  • Implemented the common approach, not resources/time consuming, of the entities positioning based on interfaces and traits.
  • Optimised the export and import functionality to be clean and fast.
  • Added a common place to validate the analysis access and endpoints permissions before the controllers’ actions are reached. The Middleware passed an anr object to the actions automatically as an attribute.
  • Restructured the components and code parts of the application based on responsibilities, relations and to be more clear.
  • Removed many deprecated code parts and cleaned up the deprecated columns in the DB tables.
  • Improved some DB indexes and renamed tables, columns to be more clear on the names.
  • Added some first unit tests as a starting point for the full coverage.

Not refactored parts are the following: Questions, QuestionsChoices, Guide, Interviews, ROPA, Deliverable.