Post-Migration Audit (PMA) Extension For GitHub CLI. This extension is used to compare GitHub Enterprise (Server or Cloud) to GitHub Enterprise Cloud (includes Managed Users) migrations after using the GEI tool.
Will report on:
- Repositories from source exist in target
- Repository target visibilities match source
- If the following exist in source repositories:
- Secrets
- Variables
- Environments
Optionally you can choose to create a CSV in your file system (-c
flag) and/or an issue (-i
flag) in the target repo with the results.
The tool could be expanded to include other non-migratable settings (see what is & isn't migrated during a migration with GEI).
- Add detection of:
- Codespaces Secrets
- Dependabot Secrets
- Environment Secrets & Vars (currently just Environments are detected)
- GitHub App for authentication
This currently only checks the default branch for a .gitattributes
file and validates a line exists with filter=LFS
. This doesn't mean your repository actually contains LFS objects, it's just a litmus test to detect the possibility. Without the .gitattributes
file, no LFS files would exist, except in the case that a branch (not the default) is using LFS and has diverged from default in that way.
- GitHub CLI installed.
You will only be able to see repos your account has access too, so make sure your PATs for the source and destination are correct. Just like GEI, the tool uses GH_PAT
environment variables to communicate with source and target, unless you manually override with the provided flags.
Those PATs should adhere to the same scopes as GEI (see documentation).
$ gh extension install mona-actions/gh-pma
$ gh extension upgrade pma
$ gh pma [flags]
Post-Migration Audit (PMA) Extension For GitHub CLI. Used to compare GitHub Enterprise (Server or Cloud) to GitHub Enterprise Cloud (includes Managed Users) migrations.
gh pma [flags]
--confirm Auto respond to visibility alignment confirmation prompt
-c, --create-csv Whether to create a CSV file with the results.
-i, --create-issues Whether to create issues in target org repositories or not.
--ghes-api-url string Required if migration source is GHES. The domain name for your GHES instance. For example: (default "")
--github-source-org string Uses GH_SOURCE_PAT env variable or --github-source-pat option. Will fall back to GH_PAT or --github-target-pat if not set.
--github-source-pat string
--github-target-org string Uses GH_PAT env variable or --github-target-pat option.
--github-target-pat string
-h, --help help for gh
--threads int Number of threads to process concurrently. Maximum of 10 allowed. Increasing this number could get your PAT blocked due to API limiting. (default 3)
-v, --version version for gh