Keras implementation of Faster R-CNN to classify text into Machine Printed and Handwritten Text
- numpy
$ pip install numpy
- h5py
$ pip install h5py
- opencv-python
$ pip install opencv-python
- sklearn
$ pip install scikit-learn
- Keras==2.0.3 (Both theano and tensorflow backends are supported. However tensorflow is recommended)
$ pip install Keras==2.0.3
- Tensorflow
$ pip install Tensorflow
Trained model can be downloaded from:
Copy pretrained weights for resnet50 (resnet50_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5) in Style-Classification directory.
can be used to train a model. To train the data, it must be in PASCAL VOC format. To train simply do:
$ python -p /path/to/train_data/
- Running
will write weights to disk to an hdf5 file, as well as all the setting of the training run to apickle
file. These settings can then be loaded
for any testing.
Copy trained model(model_frcnn.hd5) and config.pickle file in Style-Classification diectory.
can be used to perform inference, given pretrained weights and a config file. Specify a path to the folder containing images:
$ python -p /path/to/test_data/
This code is inspired from