- Showing random quotes daily
- Showing prayer times for the day by selected city
- Prayer times for current hijri month
- Progressive Web App ready
- Tracking seen daily hikams
- Theming (classic, minimal, by event, ...)
- A browser extension version is also made for a quicker access for these browsers:
Mozilla Firefox | Microsoft Edge | Google Chrome | Web |
Mozilla Add-ons | Edge Add-ons | Chrome web store | PWA |
- Please see the changelog for more details about all releases notes
Splash screen | In action | Separated activity |
Production deployments on Vercel may use third-party tools to measure site performance, and the app uses Google Analytics. The app itself does not collect any data (eg. when you're running it on your own machine).
- This repo is open to your contributions! Any improvements or a feature request are greatly appreciated
- The project is still under development, please refer to project progress and CONTRIBUTING.md
- A repo for major browsers' extension is also made and available at ext.bouayad.app
- This project development is maintained in my free time, giving us a Star is greatly appreciated!
- If you like this project, please consider buying a coffee. You won't be annoyed to do so while using the app or the browser extension!
- Author - Marwane Chaoui
- Website - bouayad.app
- Twitter - @BouayadApp
See the LICENSE file for licensing information