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Presentation application and master slide layouts for Mode Set. Built on top of reveal.js.


Create a new rails app:

rails new my_presentation

Edit the Gemfile (it only needs 2 gems)

gem 'rails'
gem 'showboat'

Get 'er going

rails g showboat:install
powder link
powder open

The generator will clean up a bunch of files and install showboat's dummy app and required files.

Once the app is up and running, hit the ? key to view all of the shortcut key commands provided by reveal.js.

Creating the Deck

The markup for the deck lives in app/views/showboat/index.html.haml. Edit this guy to build out your presentation. It's a basic Rails app with Haml, Redcarpet and likely suspects. Use partials if you want to break the presentation down into smaller sections for editing.

The initial markup contains all of the available master slide templates and styles that exist in showboat's dummy app. These should give you a good idea what layouts are possible. But if you need it, there is also a generator which can append stub markup into the index.html.haml file. Run it with:

rails g showboat:slide template_name

Where template_name can be: title|copy|list|fragment|media|end

As far as markup structure is concerned, check out the docs over at reveal.js. We haven't strayed to far from the base application. Where applicable, data attributes are used for some settings (background coloring, links, headers). This should be fairly self explanatory from the example files.

Customizing Behavior

In app/assets/javascripts/, the install generator added some initialization code for reveal.js. Feel free to tweak these to your liking.

Heads up!

  • Setting center to true is really going to screw shit up, so just don't do it.
  • We aren't supporting all of reveal's transitions for sake of maintenance.
  • We added a couple of small plugins on top of the plugins found on reveal's site.
  • Reveal is not dependent on any external library (that means no jQuery), if you are adding anything, make sure you rock native JavaScript in any of your additions.

Customizing Styles

If you need to override or create separate styles, just add them to your projects app/assets/stylesheets directory and import them after showboat's import.

We've tuned the layouts to work against a number of media queries from 2560px down to 320px screen sizes, hitting the main ones along the way. The layout is responsive where it can be, but might need some fine tuning based on the projector and/or device your presenting on.

PDF Generation

We've tweaked reveal's print style sheet to work with the Mode Set templates. These should be fairly good to go for generating a PDF. Just hit print and open it in to save as a PDF document. Depending on the content of your slides, this might need a little manual tweaking. Once that's done though it should be primed to throw it up on Speaker Deck.


Licensed under the MIT License

Copyright 2013 Mode Set

Reveal is also licensed under the MIT License

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  • web socket control
  • charts