A workflow for DAP-seq peak calling and related analysis. Trying to modulize the workflow of DAP analysis to save repetitive work.
- Reads trimming (trim_galore)
- Clean reads mapping (bowtie2)
- Peak calling (MACS3)
- Motif analysis (MEME Suite)
- Peak annotation (HOMER)
- FRIP score calculation
git clone [email protected]:mmyoung/DAPseq_pipeline_nf.git
nextflow run /path/to/DAPseq_pipeline_nf -params-file params.yml ## yml file saving all parameters, refer to the file in ./test folder for format
--fq_sheet A tab-delimited file storing the samples information, with five columns: sample,fq1,fq2,single_end,control
--fasta Genome fasta file for the analyzing species.
--gtf Genome gtf file for the analyzing species.
--output_dir Name for directory for saving the results. Default: ./results
--fq_dir The folder where the raw .fastq files are.
--gsize The size of analyzing genome.
--bowtie_idx The bowtei2 index directory. ## built with bowtie2-build command
--prime5_trim_len How many bases to trim for the 5' of reads.
--prime3_trim_len How many bases to trim for the 3' of reads.
--gsize The size of analyzing genome.
conda environment: DAPseq_env (MACS3 and HOMER and MEME suite installed)
Indexed genome
- need to go through the scripts to make sure the path to softwares are executable for current user.
- fq_sheet.csv
├── alignment
│ ├── Input.bowtie2.log
│ ├── Input_map_sorted.bam
│ ├── IP.bowtie2.log
│ └── IP_map_sorted.bam
├── bw_output
│ ├── Input_sorted_bam.bw
│ └── IP_sorted_bam.bw
├── coverage_out
│ ├── Input_base.depth
│ ├── Input_depth.pdf
│ ├── IP_base.depth
│ └── IP_depth.pdf
├── deduplicateion_out
│ ├── Input_dedup_Q20_sorted.bam
│ ├── Input_dedup_Q20_sorted.bam.bai
│ ├── IP_dedup_Q20_sorted.bam
│ └── IP_dedup_Q20_sorted.bam.bai
├── macs3_output
│ ├── IP.annotatePeaks.txt
│ ├── IP_peaks.narrowPeak
│ ├── IP_peaks.xls
│ └── IP_summits.bed
├── meme_output
│ ├── Arabidopsis_thaliana.TAIR10.dna.toplevel.fa.fai
│ ├── IP_meme
│ │ ├── logo1.eps
│ │ ├── logo1.png
│ │ ├── logo_rc1.eps
│ │ ├── logo_rc1.png
│ │ ├── meme.html
│ │ ├── meme.txt
│ │ └── meme.xml
│ └── IP.peak.fasta
└── trimm
├── Input_val_1.fq.gz
├── Input_val_2.fq.gz
├── IP_val_1.fq.gz
├── IP_val_2.fq.gz
├── SRR27496336_1.fastq_trimming_report.txt
├── SRR27496336_2.fastq_trimming_report.txt
├── SRR27496337_1.fastq_trimming_report.txt
└── SRR27496337_2.fastq_trimming_report.txt