Keras implementation of SC-Adagrad, SC-RMSProp and RMSProp Algorithms proposed in here
Short version accepted at ICML, 17 can be found here
I wrote a blog/tutorial here, describing Adagrad, RMSProp, Adam, SC-Adagrad and SC-RMSProp in simple terms, so that it is easy to understand the gist of the algorithms.
So, you created a deep network using keras, now you want to train with above algorithms. Copy the file "" into your repository. Then in the file where the model is created (also to be compiled) add the following
from new_optimizers import *
# lets for example you want to use SC-Adagrad then
# create optimizer object as follows.
sc_adagrad = SC_Adagrad()
# similarly for SC-RMSProp and RMSProp (Ours)
sc_rmsprop = SC_RMSProp()
rmsprop_variant = RMSProp_variant()
Then in the code where you compile your keras model you must set optimizer=sc_adagrad
. You can do the same for SC-RMSProp and RMSProp algorithms.