Pydrommer is an simple asynchronous Internet-scale port scanner that uses asyncio. It's flexible, allowing arbitrary port, address ranges and other. There is also a module for receiving HTTP headers and detection jsonrpc.
- ports_scanner : Discovers open ports
- http_headers_getter : Gets HTTP headers or only discovers JSON RPC
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The following actions were performed on ubuntu 19.04 with python3.7
git clone
cd pydrommer
python3.7 install --user
If error previously add clonned directory to PYTHONPATH.
List of supported input:
- hosts:
* file/file with URLS
* single IP
* subnet
* URL (only for http_headers_getter module)
* range : 0-65535
* separated : 80,8080,27017
* combined : 80,1000-2000,8080,10500,12000-13000
* file : with single ports
* single port
For more accurate results, manipulate the options `hS` and `pS`.
In order to get HTTP headers or to detect a JSON-RPC for hosts from the final file that the pydrommer scanner
generates after scanning on open ports - use the following syntax:
Ex.: pydrommer http_headers_getter -iH ports_checker-final-24-05-19-21-34-03.prm -iP ports_checker-final-24-05-19-21-34-03.prm
- In the example above the same file is specified.
- *prm extension in file is required!
# Will show available modules
# Will show help message for module
pydrommer <module_name> --help
# Will scan current IP by range.
pydrommer ports_scanner -iH -iP 1-65535
# Will parse HTTP headers for subnet by combined ports
pydrommer http_headers_getter -iH -iP 1-1000,1253