This is a ESP8266 WiFi module PCB to be used with Ikea Fyrtur or Kadrilj roller blinds. It substitutes the original Ikea Trådfri (Zigbee) based board.
- Easier and more stable connectivity with non-Ikea home automation systems (such as Home Assistant) without additional hardware hub (please see esp-fyrtur repository for the software)
- Designed to be powered with wired 5-7.5V DC power adapter, so no more charging the battery every few months! (5V charger can be used only when a custom fyrtur motor firmware is used. For this, see fyrtur-motor-board repository)
- On-board 1A fuse for extra safety
- Additional connection header allows the use of other platforms (such as ESP32 or Arduino) since now the battery compartment is empty and can hold larger wireless modules
- Optional I2C Temperature and humidity sensor (Si7021 or HTU21D)
- Optional Neopixel RGB-led to be used as a status LED
Ready Gerber and BOM/component position files for PCB production and SMT assembly for
- The tiny motor connector PCB should be desoldered from the original board and re-used.
- The only self-sourced components are the ESP12F module, temperature sensor and fuse (The buttons and LED can be ordered or alternatively scavenged from the original board)
Programming can be done via the 2mm pitch UART header using FTDI adapter. Alternatively a special TagConnect adapter can be used if you don't want to solder the UART header (not tested yet).
The PCB can also be used as a plain interface board (with buttons and LED populated, with optional temperature sensor). In this case only the following components are needed:
- J1 EXT_CTRL (1x7, 2mm pitch) (or solder female Dupont wires directly to the header)
- Panasonic right angle tactile switches (EVQ-P7L01P)
- R11,R12 (10K)
- R9 (120R), R10 (10K)
- C6, C7 (100nF)
- any 3.5mm diameter LED
- R13 (270R - 1K, depending on the LED forward voltage drop and desired brightness)
- U3 (SI7021 / HTU21D)
- R6, R4 (10k)
- C5 (100nF)
- J6 I2C header (1x4, 2mm pitch) (or solder female Dupont wires directly to the header)
- J1:1 <--> GND
- J1:2 <--> 3V3
- J1:3 <--> D21 (BTN_UP)
- J1:4 <--> D5 (Motor UART RX)
- J1:5 <--> D23 (Motor UART TX)
- J1:6 <--> D22 (BTN_DOWN)
- J1:7 <--> D18 (LED)
- J6:3 <--> D19 (SCL)
- J6:4 <--> D13 (SDA)