Codable has made consuming JSON on iOS much easier, but there are still cases where it's not suitable, such as a configuration file with arbitrary keys and values. In those cases, you just want type-safe access to values without a lot of fuss.
BackspaceJSON is a tiny (single enum, ~100 lines) library written in Swift.
init(data: Data, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions = .allowFragments) throws
Create a JSON object from data.
let json = try JSON(data: data)
subscript(index: Int) -> JSON
subscript(key: String) -> JSON
Use string and integer subscripts to traverse any path through the JSON object. Subscripts always return another JSON object, so optional chaining isn't required.
var dictionary: [String: JSON]?
var array: [JSON]?
var string: String?
var number: NSNumber?
var double: Double?
var int: Int?
var bool: Bool?
Extract the value from a JSON object using optional properties.
var exists: Bool
var existsNull: Bool
var existsNotNull: Bool
BackspaceJSON distinguishes between null and missing values.
json["one"]["two"].exists // If true, a value exists at this path (possibly null).
json["one"]["two"].existsNull // If true, a null value exists at this path.
json["one"]["two"].existsNotNull // If true, a non-null value exists at this path.
This code fetches the current version of an app from the App Store.
let url = URL(string: "<YOUR_APP_ID>")!
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data,
let json = try? JSON(data: data),
let currentVersion = json["results"][0]["version"].string else {
print("Lookup failed.")
print("Current version is \(currentVersion).")
Install via CocoaPods:
pod "BackspaceJSON"
Alternatively, just copy the single file BackspaceJSON/JSON.swift
into your project.
MIT license.