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When using Laravel together with twig, this extension adds support for specific functionality to @miyagi/core.


Laravel localization

In your templates, you might want to use translations with dot notation like {{ trans('') }} or {{ trans_choice('', 2) }}. By using this extension, miyagi can load the translations from your localization files and use these.

By default the english localilzation files are used, which can be overwritten though.

See Usage for more information.


NOTE: If you need to add additional filters, functions or tags, please refer to the miyagi documentation.


This extension adds mocking to functions like csrf_field or asset, so miyagi does not throw an error when using these in your templates.


npm i --save-dev @miyagi/twig-laravel


yarn add -D @miyagi/twig-laravel


Add the extension to your .miyagi.js like this:

module.exports = {
  extensions: [[require('@miyagi/twig-laravel'), {
    engine: Twig // optional, only necessary if you extended Twig in your configuration file,
    // the `locales` object is optional, the values below are the default values
    locales: {
      rootFolder: "resources/lang",
      lang: "en",