This repository implements a ROS wrapper for the distributed pose graph optimization (DPGO) library.
Inside a catkin workspace, please clone the following repositories. Use the default branch unless mentioned otherwise below.
- catkin_simple
- pose_graph_tools: some tools and ROS messages for working with pose graphs.
- dpgo: core C++ library for distributed PGO.
- dpgo_ros: this repository.
Build with catkin:
catkin build
Use the following command to run a 5-robot distributed pose graph SLAM demo simulated using the sphere dataset:
# source workspace
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
# run demo on example g2o dataset
roslaunch dpgo_ros dpgo_demo.launch local_initialization_method:=Odometry
The above example runs the standard dpgo, where each robot's trajectory estimates is initialized using its odometry measurements. The launch file will open a rviz window, which will visualize the iterates produced by dpgo as optimization progresses. You can try out other benchmark datasets by changing the g2o_dataset
argument in dpgo_demo.launch
. Take a look inside the data
directory to see the provided datasets (stored in g2o format).
DPGO also implements a feature called Nesterov acceleration to speed up convergence of distributed optimization. To enable this, use the acceleration
# run demo on example g2o dataset
roslaunch dpgo_ros dpgo_demo.launch local_initialization_method:=Odometry acceleration:=true
On a test computer with an Intel i7 processor, we observed that acceleration helps to reduce the number of iterations from around 240 to around 150.
The following example runs the asynchronous version of dpgo on the sphere dataset:
# run demo on example g2o dataset
roslaunch dpgo_ros asapp_demo.launch local_initialization_method:=Odometry RGD_stepsize:=0.2
In the command, the RGD_stepsize
argument controls the local stepsize of agents during asynchronous optimization. More details of this method is described in the following paper.
Y.Tian, A. Koppel, A. S. Bedi, J. P. How. "Asynchronous and Parallel Distributed Pose Graph Optimization", in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2020, honorable mention for 2020 RA-L best paper.
In practice, multi-robot SLAM systems need to be robust against outlier measurements. For example, in distributed visual SLAM, outlier loop closures can be created as a result of incorrect visual place recognition and geometric verification. DPGO supports outlier-robust distributed optimization by implementing the graduated non-convexity (GNC) framework in a distributed fashion. The following runs a demo on a real-world 8-robot pose graph SLAM dataset. This dataset was extracted from a multi-robot visual SLAM experiment inside the MIT tunnel systems, and contains many outlier loop closures due to visual ambiguities of the environment.
# run demo with robust optimization
roslaunch dpgo_ros dpgo_gnc_demo.launch
In the launch file, the key change is setting robust_cost_type
, which tells dpgo to optimize the truncated least squares (TLS) objective using GNC (the other option is L2
, which corresponds to the standard least squares objective). Details of distirbuted GNC can be found in the following paper:
Y. Tian, Y. Chang, F. Herrera Arias, C. Nieto-Granda, J. P. How and L. Carlone, "Kimera-Multi: Robust, Distributed, Dense Metric-Semantic SLAM for Multi-Robot Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 2022-2038, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TRO.2021.3137751.
DPGO is currently used as the distributed back-end in Kimera-Multi, which is a robust and fully distributed system for multi-robot collaborative SLAM. Check out the full system as well as the accompanying datasets!
If you are using the dpgo library, please cite the following papers. For the basic dpgo library,
author={Tian, Yulun and Khosoussi, Kasra and Rosen, David M. and How, Jonathan P.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
title={Distributed Certifiably Correct Pose-Graph Optimization},
In addition, the extension to asynchronous optimization is described in,
author={Tian, Yulun and Koppel, Alec and Bedi, Amrit Singh and How, Jonathan P.},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Asynchronous and Parallel Distributed Pose Graph Optimization},
Lastly, the extension to outlier-robust optimization is described in,
author={Tian, Yulun and Chang, Yun and Herrera Arias, Fernando and Nieto-Granda, Carlos and How, Jonathan P. and Carlone, Luca},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
title={Kimera-Multi: Robust, Distributed, Dense Metric-Semantic SLAM for Multi-Robot Systems},