- 👨👩👦 Being a Father and Husband is awesome! And also really hard too. 🩷
- 🔭 I’m working on building up my leadership, product and communication skills. Tweet Me and we can talk reading.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning, Elixir; Tweet Me if you are too.
- 🤔 I’m reading: The Effective Executive, The Coaching Habit
- 🔨 What I use: Ruby on Rails, T3-ish
- 😎 Other interesting stuff: ProductTalk, Curious Humans, Huberman Lab, The Art of Accomplishment and the Knowledge Project
- ⚡ Lightening fact: I think playing with APIs and Data is fun! Yeah I said it :)
- playing with n8n
- All of these: SDKs, CRM, Sports Management, HR and Payment Provider (not exhaustive)
- Need to put thought into this...Will add soon.
- Birthday web app
- Social Profile Link