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Irene Ros edited this page Feb 18, 2014 · 4 revisions

Chart: Events

Charts support a basic event API that allows you to trigger events on the chard and bind to/unbind from them.

Binding to events:

You can bind to a chart event using the .on function. The on function takes three parameters:

  1. The name of the event to bind to
  2. The callback to execute
  3. The context of the callback. This is an optional parameter.

For example:

var myChart ="#container")

myChart.on("brush", function(d) {
  console.log("The element ", d, "was brushed");

Note that the on API that allows custom events is only available on the chart itself, not on layers or any other selections within the chart base.

You can also bind to an event once, by using the once API call. The signature of once is identical to the on function, the only difference being that after being executed once, the callback will be unbound.

Triggering Events

To trigger events, you can use the trigger API on the chart. The trigger function takes the following parameters:

  1. The name of the event to trigger 2..*. Any number of arguments that will be passed to the callback.

Most of the time, the chart itself will trigger events from within its functions. For example:

d3.chart("Circles").extend("HoverableCircles", {
  initialize: function() {

    // add a new behavior on the `enter` lifecycle event.
    // note that this doesn't overwrite the previous `enter`
    // behavior! It just adds additional behavior to it.
    this.layer("circles").on("enter", function() {

      var chart = this.chart();

      // add a mouseover listener to our circles
      // and change their color and broadcast a chart
      // brush event to any listeners.
      this.on("mouseover", function() {
        var el =;"fill", "blue");
        chart.trigger("brush", this);

      }).on("mouseout", function() {
        var el =;"fill", "red");


var myChart ="#container")

myChart.on("brush", function(d) {
  console.log("The element ", d, "was brushed");

Unbinding Events

Cleaning up any lingering chart events is incredibly important. You can remove any event listeners by calling off on the chart. The off method takes the following arguments:

  1. name - The name of the event to unbind. Optional.
  2. callback - The specific callback to unbind. Optional.
  3. context - The context for which callbacks should be unbound. Optional.

Calling off without any arguments will remove all listeners. Calling off with just a name will remove all listeners for that event. Calling off with any permutation of the three arguments will remove the listeners that match that set of permutations.

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