sim | simple text importer aka simsalabim,
cat /var/logs/apache2/project.log | sim
-h | --help # shows this:
-l | --lang python # set syntax language to python, (default: plaintext)
-T | --theme night # set the web theme to night theme (default: icecoder)
-L | --list # list all themes and syntaxes
-t | --time 10M|1D|2W|1Y|1m|4h|0 # set livetime month,day,week,year,minute,hour,0=endless (default: 7 days|7D)
-P | --privacy [public|private] # set privacy mode (default: private)
-S | --subject "filtered logs" # the title
-H | --history 10 # shows the last 10 entries (default 10, max 200)
-s | --search "foo bar" # search a "string" by subject and printout url, combine with -o
-c | --config "/path/to/config.file" # later: we can setup some standard settings as a default tbd, read from /etc/sim.conf or ~/.sim.cfg (yaml/ini/toml)...
-o | --output [yaml|json|toml|short|plain] # later: output format
-C | --crypt <strongpassword> # later: sim encrypts the text with a password and generates a hash, wich you can use on website?
-p | --proxy http[s]://proxyserver:port # later: placeholder for proxy settings
-A | --api http://foo/bar/API # later: if someone use a own sim-web-server? tbd
-m | --module [jira|opsgenie|git|telegram] # for the future: maybe we have a number of modules to connect them to other platforms, It seems like a good idea (simple text importer from commandline)
-e | --email "subject..." [[email protected]] # send mail to someone :-)
Title: "text text text"
Theme: night
Lines: 4238
Language: python