Tags: mirage/irmin
Release 3.10.0 CHANGES: - **irmin-git** - Expose `Content_addressable` type (#2329, @art-w) - **irmin** - Rename `Node.S.effect` to `read_effect` for OCaml 5.3 compatibility (#2347, @art-w) - **irmin-client** - Fix a fd leak when using `clone` (#2322, @samoht) - **irmin-git** - Fix git sync example (#2327, @art-w) - Fixed issue with two subsequent `Irmin-git` repos, where one repo would lose the ability to find its root path (#2326, @zazedd) - **irmin** - Fix CI, update dependencies (#2321, @smorimoto) - Update documentation (#2323, #2324, #2325, @christinerose) - **irmin-cli** - Fix uncaught exception (#2326, @art-w) - **irmin** - Removed `?allow_duplicate` parameter from the `Conf.key` function (#2326, @zazedd)
Release 3.9.0 CHANGES: - **irmin-server** - Added `irmin-server` package (#2031, @zshipko) - **irmin-client** - Added `irmin-client` package to connect to `irmin-server` instances (#2031, @zshipko) - **irmin** - Add pretty printers for `Commit`, `Tree`, `Info`, `Status`, `Branch` when using `utop` (@metanivek, #1839) - **irmin-pack** - Fix index integrity check for v3 stores (#2267, @metanivek) - **irmin-http** - Removed `irmin-http` since it is not compatible with generic keys. `irmin-grapqhl` or `irmin-server` should be used instead. (#1902, @zshipko) - **irmin** - Removed stream proofs. We now only have Merkle tree proofs. This simplifies the maintenance of that part of the code, as ensuring the correct order of cached IO operations was tricky for stream proofs (#2275, @samoht) - **irmin-git** - Moved lower bounds to `git.3.14.0` to use new function (#2277, @metanivek)
Release 3.8.0 CHANGES: - **irmin** - Change behavior of `Irmin.Conf.key` to disallow duplicate key names by default. Add `allow_duplicate` optional argument to override. (#2252, @metanivek) - **irmin-pack** - Add maximum memory as an alternative configuration option, `lru_max_memory`, for setting LRU capacity. (@metanivek, #2254) - **irmin** - Lower bound for `mtime` is now `2.0.0` (#2166, @patricoferris) - **irmin-mirage-git** - Lower bound for `mirage-kv` is now `6.0.0` (#2256, @metanivek) - **irmin-cli** - Changed `--store irf` to `--store fs` to align the CLI with what is published on the Irmin website (#2243, @wyn)
Release 3.7.1 CHANGES: - **irmin-pack** - Fix issue when migrating v2 stores to use lower layer (@metanivek, #2241) - Fix issue when calling GC for a commit in the lower after migration (@metanivek, #2242)
Release 3.7.0 CHANGES: - **irmin** - Add `Conf.pp` and `Conf.equal` to print and compare configuration values (#2227, @samoht) - Add a `clear` optional arguments to all function that adds a new commit: `Commit.v`, `set`, `set_tree`, `remove`, `test_and_set`, `test_and_set_tree`, `test_set_and_get`, `test_set_and_get_tree`, `merge`, `merge_tree` and `with_tree`. This new argument allows to control whether the tree caches are cleared up after objects are exported to disk during the commit. (#2225, @samoht) - **irmin-pack** - Add configuration option, `lower_root`, to specify a path for archiving data during a GC. (#2177, @metanivek) - Add `is_split_allowed` to check if a store allows split. (#2175, @metanivek) - Add `add_volume` to allow creating new empty volume in lower layer. (#2188, @metanivek) - Add a `behaviour` function to the GC to check wether the GC will archive or delete data. (#2190, @Firobe) - Add a migration on `open_rw` to move the data to the `lower_root` if the configuration was enabled (#2205, @art-w) - **irmin** - Expose type equality for `Schema.Info` to avoid defining the `info` function multiple times when using similar stores (#2189, #2193, @samoht) - **irmin-pack** - GC now changes its behaviour depending on the presence of a lower layer. (#2190, @Firobe) - Split now raises an exception if it is not allowed. It is not allowed on stores that do not allow GC. (#2175, @metanivek) - GC now supports stores imported V1/V2 stores, in presence of a lower layer only. (#2190, @art-w, @Firobe) - Upgrade on-disk format to version 5. (#2184, @metanivek) - Archive to lower volume does not copy orphaned commits. (#2215, @art-w) - **irmin-pack** - Unhandled exceptions in GC worker process are now reported as a failure (#2163, @metanivek) - Fix the silent mode for the integrity checks. (#2179, @icristescu) - Fix file descriptor leak caused by `mmap`. (#2232, @art-w)