This small C++ library provides read/write operations on AT24C256 EEPROM chip using the Espressif IDF and its I2C lib.
It aims to provide easy to use C++ interface and comprehensive logging. It does not aim to be as performant as possible.
- Read / write a single byte
- Read / write contiguous data
- Any container meeting the requirements of
, ... - C-style array
- Any container meeting the requirements of
- Read / write arbitrary objects (shallow copy, including padding)
- Write limited to a single page
- A safe mode enabled by default. When enabled :
- some functions return
instead of justT
, the optional being empty on failures - additonal checks are performed :
- number of elements to write against container size
- address to write to (check validity)
- page overlap for
- some functions return
- Comprehensive logging to check operations (enable debug logs for max details)
To create an AT24C256 object, user must first create a valid I2C bus handle from ESPIDF framework. Then, this handle and the AT24C256 chip address is given to the constructor.
AT24C256 objects can be instanciated with safe_mode enable (by default) or disable using a boolean template parameter. When safe_mode is enable, additional safety checks are performed, and additional logging is outputted. Some function will also return an std::optional instead of directly the result.
template<bool safe_mode = true>
AT24C256::AT24C256(i2c_master_bus_handle_t bus, uint8_t address);
Takes an i2c bus handle constructed using ESP IDF I2C library driver/i2c_master.h
, and the device physical I2C address. For AT24C256 chips, this address should be between 0x50 and 0x57.
Safe mode is enabled by default and adds additional checks & logs.
AT24C256(const AT24C256 &other) = delete;
AT24C256(AT24C256 &&other);
AT24C256& operator=(const AT24C256 &other) = delete;
AT24C256& operator=(AT24C256 &&other);
AT24C256 objects can be moved, but can't be copied. Internally, each object holds its i2c_master_dev_handle_t
, a handle that needs to be freed only once. To prevent use-after-free or multiple free issues, copy is disabled for the object.
bool AT24C256::write(uint16_t address, uint8_t byte) const;
bool AT24C256::write(uint16_t address, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size) const;
Write a byte or an array of bytes at specified address. Valid addresses range from 0x0000 to 0x7FFF.
template<typename T> requires (!std::ranges::contiguous_range<T>)
bool write(uint16_t address, const T& value) const;
Write arbitrary data at specified address. If T
is an object, it writes a shallow copy including the padding bytes that may be present. T
must be an std::contiguous_range, as there is special overloads for this kind of types, see below.
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
&& std::ranges::sized_range<R>
bool write(uint16_t address, R&& range, size_t count) const;
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
&& std::ranges::sized_range<R>
bool write(uint16_t address, R&& range) const;
These overloads provide convenient ways to write data from any contiguous and sized range such as std::vector
, std::array
, std::span
, etc. C.f. usage examples below. Return success/error.
bool write_page(uint16_t address, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size) const;
Memory on AT24C256 chips is segmented in 512 pages of 64 bytes each. A single write OP (as understood by the chip) is restricted to a single page (and will loop back to the beginning of the page if the write continues). This function is mostly used by other write functions that will distribute the write on multiple pages if the data is big enough to warrant it.
Return success/error.
auto read(uint16_t address) const -> typename std::conditional<safe_mode, std::optional<uint8_t>, uint8_t>::type;
Read a single byte at specified address. If safe_mode is enabled, this function returns an std::optional<uint8_t>
that is empty on failures. If safe_mode is disabled, returns the byte directly, without any guarentees that it contains the correct value.
bool read(uint16_t address, uint8_t* buffer, size_t size) const;
Read multiples bytes at specified address, into a C-style array. Return success/error.
template<typename T>
requires (!std::ranges::contiguous_range<T>)
auto read(uint16_t address) const -> typename std::conditional<safe_mode, std::optional<T>, T>::type
Read arbitrary data at specified address. As with its equivalent write()
function, T
must be an std::contiguous_range, as there is special overloads for this kind of types, see below.
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
auto read(uint16_t address, size_t count) const -> typename std::conditional<safe_mode, std::optional<R>, R>::type;
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
&& std::ranges::sized_range<R>
auto read(uint16_t address) const -> typename std::conditional<safe_mode, std::optional<R>, R>::type;
Construct a container of type R
that must be an std::ranges::contiguous_range
(and an std::ranges::sized_range
in the second case), and will read <count> bytes at the specified address (first case) or will read as many bytes as the container holds (second case). Works with arbitrary elements type (uint8_t
, float
, structs, ...).
Note that the count parameter designates an amount of elements. The actual amount of bytes read will be equal to count * sizeof(<element type>)
With safe_mode enabled, functions will return an std::optional.
Allows to call:
auto array =<std::array<float, 4>>(0x20A); // No need to indicate a count if we want to fill the whole array
auto vector =<std::vector<float>>(0x20A, 4); // Need to indicate a count with std::vector or else it will read 0 bytes (empty default-constructed vector)
In these examples, 4 * sizeof(float)
= 16 bytes are read.
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
&& std::ranges::sized_range<R>
bool read(uint16_t address, R& range, size_t count) const;
template<typename R>
requires std::ranges::contiguous_range<R>
&& std::ranges::sized_range<R>
bool read(uint16_t address, R& range) const;
Same as above, except it reads into the given container directly, and returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
std::array<uint8_t, 3> array;
bool result =, array, 3);
// or, array);
// Setup I2C bus
i2c_master_bus_config_t i2c_mst_config = {
.i2c_port = -1,
.sda_io_num = GPIO_NUM_21,
.scl_io_num = GPIO_NUM_22,
.clk_source = I2C_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT,
.glitch_ignore_cnt = 7,
.intr_priority = 0,
.trans_queue_depth = 0,
.flags = { .enable_internal_pullup = true}
i2c_master_bus_handle_t bus_handle;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_new_master_bus(&i2c_mst_config, &bus_handle));
AT24C256 at24256(bus_handle, 0x51); // Equivalent to AT24C256<true> (safe_mode enabled)
// AT24C256 at24256<false>(bus_handle, 0x51); // safe_mode disabled
if(at24256.write(0x0212, 42)) // Write one byte at specified address
// Read back what we wrote
std::optional<uint8_t> value =; // safe_mode enabled
// uint8_t value =; // safe_mode disabled
// Read / write any kind of data
at24256.write(0x05A, 5.0f); // Write a float
float f =<float>(0x05A).value(); // Read a float, returns an std::optional<float> because safe_mode is on
// float f =<float>(0x05A); when safe_mode is off
struct S
int a;
double b;
long c;
bool d;
char s[5];
S s1{10, 42.356, 1345898, true, "abcd"};
at24256.write(0x10A, s1); // Write a whole struct (including its potential padding)
S s2 =<S>(0x10A).value(); // .value() because safe_mode returned an std::optional
// S s2 =<S>(0x10A); when safe_mode is off
// Write multiple bytes
at24256.write(0x017D, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x10, 0x11, 0x12}); // Accepts any contiguous and sized std::ranges, like std::vector
at24256.write(0x017D, std::array<uint8_t, 3>{0x10, 0x11, 0x12}, 2); // Write only the first two elements
// at24256.write(0x017D, std::vector<uint8_t>{0x10, 0x11, 0x12}, 5); // Error, size is too big
// Write C-style array directly
uint8_t data[3] = {0x10, 0x11, 0x12};
at24256.write(0x017D, data, 3);
// or through an std::span wrapper
at24256.write(0x017D, std::span(data));
// Read data into arbitrary contiguous sized container (must be able to construct the container using T t(size) where size is the amount of bytes to read)
auto buffer =<std::vector<uint8_t>>(0x017D, 3); // safe_mode enabled: returns an std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>>
// safe_mode disabled: returns an std::vector<uint8_t>
// Read directly into the buffer
std::array<uint8_t, 3> array;
bool result =, array, 3); // return success or failure
// or, if the container is already at the right size, simply
result =, array);
// Works for arbitrary types
at24256.write(0x20A, std::vector<float>{59.6, 12.44, 126.9, 0.00023});
// Read back into an array, for instance
auto vec2 =<std::array<float, 4>>(0x20A).value(); // .value() because safe_mode returned an std::optional
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(i2c_del_master_bus(bus_handle)); // Make sure to delete the I2C bus after all at24256 objects went out of scope / were deleted
Objects calls functions such as i2c_master_transmit()
and i2c_master_transmit_receive()
which are not thread safe.